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Didier Chartrain (Aerodid)


May 5, 2018
Gotowe :
June 11, 2018
Poświęcony czas:

Hi guys,
This is my interpretation of the Me109-K4, 1/32, Hasegawa Kit.
I ‘m not a real fan of 1/32 in fact….but for some reason, I ‘bought this kit when it was released in 2003. It was a high standard of quality at the time, but I ‘would say it’s now below most of 1/32 kit recently released by Tamiya or Eduard. The riveting is minimalist (especially on the upper surfaces…but I’was not courageous enough to re-do it) and the junction between the fuselage and the wings, a bit touchy. However, it’s still a very good bases.
I’ve tried many different type of paint, in the past, with my airbrush, and I ’always came back to Gunze (how to use the Prince August / Vallejo / AK Model Air is a great mystery to me … so I’gave up…). For this 109, I ‘used both Gunze and Mr Paint and I ‘have to say I ‘was very impressed by the quality of the latest: the dilution is perfect, there is almost no overspray, and the final aspect is really nice. The fact that all the references are given by themes (Luft, US, RAF, etc…) makes the choice of the appropriate color, very easy (no need to check some cross-references, etc..). And eventually, the airbrush is very easy to clean, using domestic alcohol. The only concern is the price. The bottle contains 3 times a Gunze (30 ml vs 10 ml), but since there is no need to dilute, you need to use a much more important quantity.
Well, certainly not my by best production… but I’like the terrific look of the K4 anyway.
Thanks for looking.

Zawartość projektu

Messerschmitt Bf109K-4
Hasegawa 1:32
08070 (ST20) 2003 Nowe części

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10 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Bf109-K4View album, image #1
Projekt: Bf109-K4
1:32 Messerschmitt Bf109K-4 (Hasegawa 08070)


5 May 2018, 17:37