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Paulo Bandeira (Scorpius66)

Airfix Costal Defence - Restauration of Almost one and a half kit

May 25, 2014
Gotowe :
July 22, 2014

Zawartość projektu

Scratchbuilt No kits or aftermaket sets are attached.

Albumy zdjęć

26 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Airfix Costal Defence - Restauration of almost one and a half kitView album, image #1


25 November 2015, 15:04
Paulo Bandeira Autor
I've found at my attic, from my teen years, almost one and a half Airfix Costal Defense Fort. I've named them:
- "Gray-Almost-One", it was from the second release in light gray plastic;
- "Green-half", first release in green plastic. It was my very first Airfix Fort, bought in the mid-seventies. Only the gun section survived.
I've used the "Gray-one - Almost Complete" as a reference and with Evergreen plastic sheets, I've managed to "reproduce" the rest of the structure. For the more complicated pieces, such as guns, turrets and vents, I've molded the pieces of the gray and reproduce them with resin.
At the same time, the "Gray-Almost-One", was restored, using the two reproduced pieces of the turrets and periscope (from the latest reissue) and painted it.
During the process of scratch building the "Green-half", I've decided to "upgrade" it by making a new "terrace" half the high of the structure. I've completes it with some outer stairs and a handrail. Much more practical and usable.
Hope you enjoy it.
 25 November 2015, 15:40