O mnie
- Imię:
- Greg O'Connell
- Pseudonim:
- smeg1959
- Kraj:
- Miasto:
- Knoxfield
- Członek od:
- February 17, 2017
- Społeczności:
- papermates.net (Paper modeling)gundammates.com (Gundam modeling)railwaymates.com (Train modeling)diecastmates.com (Diecast models)rcmates.net (RC modeling)
I grew up building models in scales ranging from 1/76 upwards then sold all of my stash in the mid-1990's to facilitate a house move. However, a chance purchase on Bay in 2006 introduced me to the world of 1/144 and the collection has been steadily growing ever since. My main area of interest is in the aircraft and AFVs of WW2 but my collection does also comprise a number of pre- and post-war builds, including several aircraft which served with the Australian Armed Forces.
I am one of the founding members of the Kampfgruppe144 forum and, if the counter is correct, the largest contributor of posts on the site, though a certain well-known UK-based modeller and regular author of articles on Scale Aviation Modeller International (SAMI) isn't far behind me!
Kluby modelarskie
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Fora modelarskie
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Sklepy modelarskie
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Gamy farb
Używam regularnie następujących farb :
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Żadna konkretna skala nie znajduje się na mojej liście ulubionychZainteresowania
Moje następne imprezy
Obecnie nie mam nic w moim kalendarzu.
Obecnie nie obserwuję żadnych innych modelarzy, czasopism ani stron internetowych w tej witrynie