O mnie
- Imię:
- Mark Barrale
- Pseudonim:
- Praetorian
- Kraj:
Stany Zjednoczone
- Miasto:
- Hewitt
- Członek od:
- September 18, 2017
- Społeczności:
- gundammates.com (Gundam modeling)railwaymates.com (Train modeling)diecastmates.com (Diecast models)
Hi, My short intro would be I served in the U.S. Army 2nd Armor Div. Tiger Brigade (Sgt.E5). My MOS was 19 kilo (Armor Crewman) I Was deployed to Saudi Arabia for operation Desert Sword/Desert Storm as a gunner on an M1A1. Engaged in the Battle of Medina Ridge. I reenlisted under prior service in 2002, Served as Gunner on M1A2 in Iraq.
I have collected most of my Kits (275 so far) knowing that I could live 3 lifetimes and not complete them all. Like many of us here on this forum we appreciate the attraction of our models. Just like people who collect Artwork, Coins, Books etc.. I see an item of Cold War Soviet Armor and I’m instantly intrigued as well as 1935-1945 German, Modern British like the Challenger, Challenger 2, Centaurian, etc. and definitely modern German such as leopard variance and leopard 2 variants. Hands down though is as I said before is Soviet Cold War armor, their Tanks, IFV’s, Close in Air Defense weapons, Fixed Wing Aircraft and Helos.the HIND is the Meanest, Baddest looking attack helicopter in my opinion. Their BMP pioneered the concept of a true Infantry Fighting Vehicle. I have so much to learn as far as modeling techniques go especially weathering and I’m always looking for more knowledge if you care to share I would be very appreciative. I’m open to trade/sale of the models and other products in my collection. Thanks for reading and I’d like to hear more about my other fellow modelers as well so feel free to contact me. `HOOAH`
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Gamy farb
Używam regularnie następujących farb :
Ulubione wagi
Modern Warfare Ludzie » (współczesność) | 1945–Teraz
Do sklasyfikowania
Uncategorised Do sklasyfikowania » Nieznany | Brak zasięgu
M1 Abrams Pojazdy » Czołgi |
- Inne tematy:
- Soviet army (Cold war) » Ten temat nie ma swojej strony
Moje następne imprezy
Obecnie nie mam nic w moim kalendarzu.