modelarska baza danych | zarządzanie magazynem
Anthony D'Agostino (stalker6recon)

O mnie

Anthony D'Agostino
US Stany Zjednoczone
Now living in Cebu, Philippines
Członek od:
October 13, 2017
Społeczności: (Scale modeling) (Paper modeling) (Gundam modeling) (Train modeling) (Diecast models) (RC modeling)
I am a U.S. Army veteran, Cavalry Scout, Recon. I am now retired, and looking to get back into modelling, which I used to do a lot when I was younger, much much younger. I am looking to represent the branches of the US military, both in the sky, and on the ground.
I have been stocking up on kits, using Ebay, since I live in the Philippines. It is kind of expensive, and if you guys know a better way for me to save money, please let me know.

I have visions of my finished kits, and I hope that I can perform the way my imagination works, but I have my doubts. Anyone with tips and information to help me out, would be greatly appreciated. I hope that I don't get frustrated, and I am starting off light, making a pair of MH helicopters, all black, so hard to mess that up.

When I finish my air kits, I plan to start doing the ground vehicles as well. I especially have the goal of recreating the HMMWV that I drove/gunned when I was in the Army, right down to the markings. I have to do a lot of research on the way they are maked, because my memory is fading, but it should not be to hard. Just he division number (1ST ID) and then my unit number/truck number, if that is correct. I will look at other trucks and see how they marked them, just need to find generic decals or learn to paint REAL REAL SMALL.

Anyway, when I get to ground/armor (need to build a Cavalry Fighting Vehicle as well, that was also my ride).

Anyway, hope and plan to learn A LOT from being a member here. Please feel free to contact me if you have tips or questions regarding what we actually do as Cavalry Scouts.

Scouts Out!


Kluby modelarskie

Nie jestem członkiem klubu modelarskiego.

Ulubione webziny

Brak konkretnych webzinów

Fora modelarskie

Brak konkretnych forów

Czasopisma modelarskie

Na mojej liście lektur nie ma żadnych specjalnych czasopism drukowanych

Sklepy modelarskie

Na mojej liście nie ma żadnych ulubionych sklepów

Ulubione wagi

Żadna konkretna skala nie znajduje się na mojej liście ulubionych



Moje następne imprezy

Obecnie nie mam nic w moim kalendarzu.


Obecnie nie obserwuję żadnych innych modelarzy, czasopism ani stron internetowych w tej witrynie

Obserwowany przez

Mark Norfolk mnorfolk49