ProjektyGrupuj według: Temat Status Skończone Rozpoczęte A » ZZnalezione wyniki: 51 Ideas19. Squadron RAF - then and now1:48Idee2+311. Czechoslovak squadron RAF tribute1:72Idee16+31st Fighter Group/308th Fighter Squadron in Italy, 1944 - the horse and the hack1:48Idee1+A tale of 10 Spitfires1:48Idee3+An Aviator´s garage1:25Idee4+Baťa létá z Otrokovic1:72Idee2+Big Cats - Grumman´s FxFs1:48Idee9+Big Spits1:32Idee7+Czechoslovak Independent Armoured Brigade1:48Idee7+Down the Memory Lane - MIG-17 PF6 zdjęć/zdjęcia1:72Idee1+GIRL POWER1:48Idee2+HERO - a patriot, an aviator, a decent man - Václa1:72Idee3+HMS Ark Royal Flight Deck (1970s)1:72Idee6+Hellcat Drones1:72Idee2+Hellcat Trio Squared with a Twist8 zdjęć/zdjęcia1:48Idee16+Hot Shots!1:72IdeeJ-20 Héja1:48IdeeJ-7 Tre Kronor Gladiator1:72IdeeJohnny Plagis Tribute1:48Idee1+La máquina personal del comandante1:24IdeeLiberator GR Mk. VI in BIG Scale1:48Idee4+Maverick - P-51D Mustang1:48IdeeMiG-21PFM Czech Air Force Žatec 1990s - anticamo1:48Idee8+Movie Stars1:72Idee1+Operation Herrick1:48Idee2+Operation Husky1:48Idee8+Phantoms of the Empire of the Rising Sun1:72IdeePilot Instructor´s Jumpers (57.OTU)1:48IdeePilot Training - like looking into a mirror??1:48Idee1+Plastic Air Force Display Team1 zdjęć/zdjęcia1:144Idee2+Pre-war America´s Parrot Flight1:72Idee11+Rasberry Ripple (Royal Aircraft Establishment)1:72Idee49+S-31 Tre Kronor Spitfire1:48IdeeSeven at Santa Cruz - the combat life of Stanley "Swede" Vejtasa1:48Idee3+The 421st NFS - The Black Widows - History1:48Idee20+The 55th Fighter Group at WAR (over Kovářská)1:48Idee7+The Black Bunny1:48Idee5+The Checkertail Clan1:48Idee5+The king of the desert got wings1:48Idee9+US Navy Guardian TRIPLE CROWN1:48IdeeVAQ-131 Lancers1:48Idee16+VFA-213 Black Lions History Project1:48Idee49+Vilda Jakš Tribute1:72Idee21+Watchful Eyes of Europe1:72IdeeWehrtechnische Dienststelle für Luftfahrzeuge und Luftfahrtgerät der Bundeswehr (WTD 61)1:48Idee32+World´s modern IFVs - Infantry Fighting Vehicles 11:72Idee7+World´s modern IFVs - Infantry Fighting Vehicles 21:35Idee15+In progressApache Attack!0 zdjęć/zdjęcia1:48W trakcieFlying Legends around Christmas tree5 zdjęć/zdjęcia1:144W trakcie4+Hurricane - The Last of the Many - disguises1 zdjęć/zdjęcia1:48W trakcie2+CompletedJ-26 Tre Kronor Mustangs1:48Gotowe 1+/pl/search.php?q=*&fkMATEID[]=35332&showast=no&fkWORKBENCH[]=WB35332&page=projects&sortby=projectstatus