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René (Lord Bilbo) Bartholemy (petitbilbo)

Albumy (40)

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10 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Fieseler Fi103 A/B (V-1) as seen in the Royal Military Museum in BrusselsView album, image #10
Aaaaannnd: catastrophe!!! During the dry-fitting I felt that the fit of the wings on the spar was a bit tight, but manag...
1:32 Fieseler Fi103 A/B (V-1) (Revell 03861)
8 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Russian Minerva from the Royal Military Museum in BrusselsView album, image #2
1:35 Minerva Armoured Car (Copper State Models CSM35004)1:35 Armoured car crew checking map (Copper State Models F35-020)1:35 Belgian Armoured car crewman with binoculars (Copper State Models F35-019)3+
45 zdjęć/zdjęcia
M32 TRV: Retour de manoeuvres (back from exercises)View album, image #20
1:35 M32 (Italeri 203)1:35 Tank Crew (MiniArt 35121)1:35 Sherman T 48 Type (Friulmodel ATL-48)
24 zdjęć/zdjęcia
18 pdr QF (WI slow P)View album, image #23
The short recoil recuperator was wound with thick rope for protection. Done.
1:35 Artillery with 18 pdr gun (EMHAR EM3502)1:35 British Infantry Weapons and Equipment (ICM 35683)1:35 Gunner with helmet (Resicast 35.7014)6+
29 zdjęć/zdjęcia
My jigs, tools, etc.View album, image #29
The new cutting mitre is ready to be used.
No EVO BI 7248 (Vertigo Miniatures VMP006)No Montage set without base (Vertigo Miniatures VMP023)No Track Loader (Vertigo Miniatures VMP021)
6 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Albatros D.III (revival)View album, image #5
Engine and cockpit before going on hold.
1:48 Albatros D.III (Eduard 8097)1:48 German WW I machine gun Spandau LMG 08/15 (Master AM-48-035)1:48 Wotan 2-Bladed Wooden Propellor (LF Models P4802)7+
18 zdjęć/zdjęcia
My workspace and other hobbiesView album, image #13
My new workbench
Projekt: My workbench

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6 zdjęć/zdjęcia
BricabracView album, image #2
19 zdjęć/zdjęcia
What I do when I'm not building kits...View album, image #19
Lately, my wife has taken over my workbench of some of her own projects...
7 zdjęć/zdjęcia
The next generation?View album, image #4
137 zdjęć/zdjęcia
Musée Royal de l'Armée et d'Histoire Militaire (Brussels)View album, image #16
Caudron G.III