O mnie
- Imię:
- Bob Weaver
- Pseudonim:
- bob297uk
- Kraj:
Zjednoczone Królestwo
- Miasto:
- Dunstable
- Członek od:
- July 1, 2019
- Społeczności:
- papermates.net (Paper modeling)gundammates.com (Gundam modeling)railwaymates.com (Train modeling)diecastmates.com (Diecast models)rcmates.net (RC modeling)
I have been enjoying this hobby for 50 plus years.
Started off with the pocket money , Airfix kits. in the 6o''s 2/6 or half a crown that is 25 pence in today's money would buy a nice model plane. (I see the prices that same kits, fetched today and i could kick me self. lol)
The arrival of acrylics was a great step forward in this hobby. No more, smelly enamels, thinners etc. Super glue and the arrival of the resin kits. oh yes big step forward, not to mention the GK kits the vac formed and the Vinyl kits.
Had been building the metal figure kits and the Historex Napoleonic range of figure for years, then i found the GK kits (more model for my hard earned).
First airbrush i got was a Badger 200G( still got it) Though I use a H&S infinity these days, paint brushes did i use the sable and the man made fiber brushes.
The arrival of acrylics was a great step forward in this hobby. No more, smelly enamels, thinners etc. Super glue and the arrival of the resin kits. oh yes big step forward, not to mention the GK kits the vac formed and the Vinyl kits.
Had been building the metal figure kits and the Historex Napoleonic range of figure for years, then i found the GK kits (more model for my hard earned).
First airbrush i got was a Badger 200G( still got it) Though I use a H&S infinity these days, paint brushes did i use the sable and the man made fiber brushes.
Kluby modelarskie
Nie jestem członkiem klubu modelarskiego.
Ulubione webziny
Brak konkretnych webzinów
Fora modelarskie
Brak konkretnych forów
Czasopisma modelarskie
Na mojej liście lektur nie ma żadnych specjalnych czasopism drukowanych
Sklepy modelarskie
Gamy farb
Używam regularnie następujących farb :
Ulubione wagi
Żadna konkretna skala nie znajduje się na mojej liście ulubionychZainteresowania
Moje następne imprezy
Obecnie nie mam nic w moim kalendarzu.
Obecnie nie obserwuję żadnych innych modelarzy, czasopism ani stron internetowych w tej witrynie