Modellbaustudio Rhein-Ruhr

- Imię:
- Modellbaustudio Rhein-Ruhr
- Miasto:
- Essen
- Rodzaj:
- Scale Modeling Shop (Retail & Mailorder)
- Sklep internetowy:
- Miasto:
- 45276 Essen
- Ulica:
- Krayer Str. 26
- Mapa:
Godziny otwarcia
- Open on:
- Mi. / Wed. 15 - 18 Uhr
Do. / Thu. 15 - 18 Uhr
Fr. / Fri. 15 - 18 Uhr
Sa. / Sat. 10 - 14:30 Uhr
Gamy kolorów
The available color ranges in this shop are not yet known
Gama produktów
You can find products from following scale modeling companies in the shop:
2 mates are shopping regularly at Modellbaustudio Rhein-Ruhr in Essen.