FineScale Modeler Volume 8 Issue 2

- Magazine:
- FineScale Modeler
- Number:
- Volume 8 Issue 2 | February 1990
- Language:
- English
- 0748200828502
Table of contents
Review, 1:48 | Page 13FSM WORKBENCH REVIEWS
by David VeresClassic Castings 1, Boeing P-26A Peashooter

Boeing P-26a "Peashooter"
Classic Castings Limited 1:48
1 Review, 1:48 | Page 13FSM WORKBENCH REVIEWS
by Pillip FriddellTestor/Italeri 503, Bell/Boeing V-22 Osprey
by Paul BoyerRon Charles, RC Vac-U-Form (Deluxe)
Review, 1:700 | Page 19FSM WORKBENCH REVIEWS
by David BalcerDML 7007, HMS Revenge, Soviet Victor III
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 24FSM SHOWCASE SPECIAL FEATURE: Matt Hargreaves' huge German R-class rigid airship
Even in 1/72 scale this scratchbuilt masterpiece is nine feet long!
Review | Page 27Ideal Toy Company's Martin MB-2 Bomber
by David BalcerNumber 4 in THE CLASSIC KITS series
Tips & Tricks | Page 28FSM'S FINISHING SCHOOL
by Paul boyerLesson four: Brush painting - it's not just for beginners
by Richard LippincottU. S. Marines low-visibility KC-130T
Build Report, 1:72 | Page 36Building the Nanchang A-5 "Fantan-A" in 1/72 scale
by Jon LopezCombining an injection-molded kit with a vacuum-formed fuselage produces a one-of-a-kind model
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 44Building a Panzer IV/70 (A) in 1/35 scale
by Dan TisoncikThis straightforward conversion could be your first taste of kitbashing
Tips & Tricks | Page 52Groundwork and weathering techniques
by Jon ZackSuperb techniques bring the feel of the Russian steppe to this imaginative diorama of a czarist attack on a Bolshevik armored car
Build Report, 1:43 | Page 56"Woodie"
by Wayne MoyerUsing wood veneer to dress up a 1/43 scale '46 Ford
Build Report | Page 60FSM READER GALLERY SPECIAL FEATURE: Photographing the 1960s Thunderbirds - in scale
by David TippsRealistic model photography that can turn back the hands of time
Tips & Tricks | Page 64Windows as easy as 1, 2, 3
by Richard WehrThree techniques for installing and masking aircraft model windows
Reference | Page 74Coureurs de Bois, wilderness fighters, French and Indian War, 1754
by R. J. StaffordNumber 34 in the AMERICAN DRESS AND DETAIL series