FineScale Modeler Volume 24 Issue 6

- Magazine:
- FineScale Modeler
- Number:
- Volume 24 Issue 6 | July 2006
- Language:
- English
- 07447046779307
Table of contents
Build Report | Page 14Roger Yu's motorsports masterpieces
A life-time motorsports fan turns his passion into detailed works of art
Tips & Tricks | Page 16Working with tank tracks
by Jeff HerneStart your tank on the right track as Jeff shares the ins and outs of model tank tracks
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 22Paint a Tiger Meet Mirage
by Ricardo DacobaRicardo's Mirage looks grrreat wearing a paint shceme from MATO's 2003 Tiger Meet
Build Report, 1:400 | Page 28Improve a German battleship
by Alfonso Martinez BerlanaAlfonso reveals the graceful lines of Germany's Admiral Scheer pocket battleship
Review, 1:32 | Page 32Hasegawa's 1/32 scale Ju 87G
by Jeff HerneWhether you're a fan of Stukas or 1/32 scale aircraft, this Ju 87G is worth the build

Junkers Ju 87G Stuka `Kanonenvogel´ [Luftwaffe Anti Tank Attacker]
Hasegawa 1:32
08075 (ST25) 2005 New tool Build Report, 1:72 | Page 36Modeling Airmodel's C-124
by Pat HawkeyPat demonstrates how to overcome the hurdles of a large vacuum-formed kit
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 48Punch up an M109A6 Paladin
by Bart CusumanoTake an out-of-the-box kit one step further with aftermarket and scratchbuilt details
Build Report, 1:96 | Page 54Go for launch
by Mat IrvineMat finds there is more value in building a vintage XSL-01 from Revell than keeping it in the box
Reference | Page 82History You Can Model
by Jeff HerneF-16s of the "Red Flag" 414th Combat Training Squadron