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FineScale Modeler Volume 20 Issue 8

FineScale Modeler


FineScale Modeler
Volume 20 Issue 8 | October 2002

Table of contents

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 22
Superdetailed M1 Abrams

by Christine Griffin
An unexpected opportunity to photograph a real M1 tank up close motivated John Smith to build his spectacular model.
M-1 Abrams U.S. M-1 Abrams Main Battle Tank
Tamiya 1:35
MM-124 (3624) 1982 New tool
M1A1 w/Mine Plough 'Desert Storm'
Dragon 1:35
3516 1992 New tool

Build Report, 1:32  | Page 26
Building Ike Kepford's Corsair

by Scott Murphy
Murphy's Law for creating a show-stopping model: Take an old Revell kit and add resin and scratchbuilt detail.
Corsair F4U-1 "The Sweetheart of Okinawa"
Revell 1:32
H-278 1970 New tool

Tips & Tricks, 1:72  | Page 32
Lozenge camouflage made easy

by Steve Hustad
Replicating complex camo schemes on German WWI aircraft can be a pain. The solution? Do it with decals. We'll show you how.

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 36
Build a better B-1B

by Paul Boyer
Monogram's old 1/72 scale kit is still good, but with a little updating you can turn it into a great model.
B-1B Lancer Strategic Bomber Enduring Freedom
Monogram 1:72
85-5606 2002 New decals

Editorial | Page 42
World War II paint guide

by Paul Boyer
Can't tell non-specular blue from intermediate blue? Want to find sources for RLM Gray? We've got the answers right here.

Tips & Tricks | Page 50
How to paint camouflage uniforms

by Lynn Kessler
Here's a simple technique for getting realistic results.

Build Report, 1:96  | Page 54
USS Arleigh Burke

by Christine Griffin
Steve Dunn built this stunning 1/96 scale model from scratch - mostly from brass!

Review, 1:35  | Page 60
Workbench Reviews

by Jim Zeske
Dragon 6160, SdKfz171 Panther A (early)
Sd.Kfz.171 Panther A Early Type (Italy 1943/44)
Dragon 1:35
6160 2002 New tool

Review, 1:48  | Page 62
Workbench Reviews

by Jon Hergenrother
Italeri 2617, F-15A/C Eagle
F-15 A/C Eagle
Italeri 1:48
2617 2002 New tool

Review, 1:72  | Page 63
Workbench Reviews

by Paul Boyer
Octopus 72025, Vought OS2U-1/2/3 Kingfisher
Vought OS2U Kingfisher
Octopus 1:72
72025 2001 New tool

Review, 1:48  | Page 64
Workbench Reviews

by Jim Zeske
Flying Machines FM48001, Reggiane 2005 "Sagittario"
Re. 2005 Sagittario
Flying Machines 1:48
FM48001 2002 New tool

Review, 1:32  | Page 66
Workbench Reviews

by Dr. Bill Funcke
Airshow Models, Christen Eagle II

Review, 1:72  | Page 67
Workbench Reviews

by David P. Anderson
Siga Model 72014/72015, Martin AM-1 Mauler
Martin AM-1 Mauler
UA SIGA Model 1:72
72014s 2002 New parts
Martin AM-1 Mauler (early)
UA SIGA Model 1:72
72015 (E15) 2002 New tool

Review, 1:48  | Page 68
Workbench Reviews

by John Plzak
Trumpeter 02801, U.S. HH-65A Dolphin
US HH-65A Dolphin
Trumpeter 1:48
02801 2004 New tool