Sky Model Volume I Issue 2IssueMagazine:Sky ModelNumber:Volume I Issue 2 | October 2004Language:EnglishTable of contentsBuild Report, 1:48 | Page 4Kfir C-7 by Cesare PigliapocoThe Young Lion of IsraelDassault Mirage 5ESCI 1:484032 1980 New parts Build Report, 1:72 | Page 10P-47M Thunderbolt by Andrea VignocchiAces in European SkiesP-47M ThunderboltRevell 1:7203984 2013 New decals Build Report, 1:35 | Page 26UH-1C Huey by Girolamo LorussoVietnam GunshipUH-1C "Huey" GunshipMRC (Model Rectifier Corporation) 1:35BA104 1994 New tool Build Report, 1:48 | Page 38Sukhoi Su-22 by Giancarlo CitterioCzech Fitter Build Report, 1:48 | Page 46Mitsubishi A6M5 by Mauro GiorginiZeroMitsubishi A6M5 Zero Fighter (Zeke) Type52Hasegawa 1:4809070 (JT70) 2000 New parts Build Report, 1:48 | Page 50Heinkel He 219-A7 by Livio LupiThe Ferman OwlHeinkel He 219 A-7 Uhu German Night Fighters in World War II Tamiya 1:4861057 1997 New tool Review, 1:72 | Page 62Caproni Bergamascha AP-1Caproni Bergamasca AP-1 II. series Alfa 126 R.C.34 engine LF Models 1:727267 2009 New parts