Art of Modelling 24

- Magazine:
- Art of Modelling
- Number:
- 24 | March-April 2014
- Language:
- German
Table of contents
Editorial | Page 03Editorial
by Kristof PulinckxNews | Page 04Neuheiten
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 08M1A1 Abrams AIM
by Kristof PulinckxBaubericht - M1A1 Abrams (Dragon)
Build Report, 1:24 | Page 22Ford Fiesta RS - WRC 2011 - ADAC
by David MaesBaubericht - Ford Fiesta RS - WRC 2011 - ADAC Rally 2011 Deutschland (Belkits)
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 30After The Battle
by Bernhard LustigDiorama - StuG III Ausf. F - Nach dem Gefecht
Build Report, 1:32 | Page 42Heinkel He 219 "Uhu"
by Aitor AzkueBaubericht - He 219 A-O "Uhu" (Zoukei-Mura)
Build Report, 1:32 | Page 54Ploegsteert Wood
by Uli WilkeSchritt für Schritt - Tommy's War - Ploegsteert Wood 1915