Model Military International 56

- Magazine:
- Model Military International
- Number:
- 56 | December 2010
- Language:
- English
Table of contents
News | Page 4Newsline-December 2010
What's new in the world of military modelling.
Reference | Page 6Think tank : TYPE 94 TANKETTE IN JAPANESE SERVICE
by Bruce CulverBruce Culver discusses the background, development and operations of the diminutive Japanese Type 94 Tankette.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 12THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE
by Luke PittLuke Pitt discovers the meaning of the word "small" as he builds Fine Molds' 1:35 scale Type 94 Tankette and its crew.
by William MarshallWilliam Marshall continues his analysis of an important source document describing the contentious camouflage colours used by British and Commonwealth military vehicles during the WWII campaign for the Middle East and North Africa. In Part Eight, William
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 24"THE ENEMY IS TO THE RIGHT!"
by Takahiro SumitomoTANK BOY GALLERY Takahiro Sumitomo presents a diorama featuring Tamiya's 1:35 scale BT-7 Model 1935.

Infantry in Action, 1941-1942 Eastern Front Series Kit No. 2 
Review, 1:35 | Page 26CARGO SCHLEPPER
by Luke PittLuke Pitt examines the most recent in GreatWall Hobby's latest entry in the German sWS family - the sWS Gepanzerte Ausfuehrung.
Review, 1:35 | Page 26PLASTIC FLAK
by Luke PittGreatWall's prolific release schedule includes a 1:35 German 3.7cm Flak 43 with SO.AH 58 Trailer. Luke Pitt takes a look at what is in the box.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 28ROLLING SHOCK!
by Andrew JudsonAndrew Judson builds Trumpeter's big 1:35 scale example of armoured rolling stock - the Panzerjager Triebwagen.
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 32JAGDPANTHER WITH ZIMMERIT
by Graham TetleyGraham Tetley reviews and builds Dragon's new t35 scale Early Production Jagdpanther.
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 35DOPO VOI
by Brett GreenThe Editor transforms Tamiya's 1:48 scale Sherman Firefly IC into the stretched-hull VC using a multimedia conversion from Fighting 48th!

Bolt & Nut Set
Modelkasten 1:35
British AFV Stowage WWII
Verlinden Productions 1:48
Kiwi Armour New Zealand Armoured Brigade in WW2
Bison Decals 1:48
48004 200x New tool Multi-topic (4)Tips & Tricks, 1:72 | Page 44Tech Guide : CHERBOURG 1944 PART FIVE
by Justo MiraIn this concluding instalment, Justo Mira describes the painting and final placement of all the elements for his l:72 scale Cherbourg 1944 diorama.
Miscellaneous | Page 50Letters
Model Military International's visitors have their say.
Miscellaneous | Page 51Diary Dates
A listing of upcoming worldwide model shows and events.
Review, 1:72 | Page 52Small Scale
The latest releases in 1:72 and smaller

Pak-43 superdetailing set for ACE kits Photo-Etched set
Armory 1:72pe7204

T-54 mod.1951, T-54A turret correction set for all kits RESIN
Armory 1:72AC7291a

T-55 turret correction set for all kits RESIN
Armory 1:72AC7291b

Review, 1:35 | Page 54Incoming
MMI's thoughts on the latest kits and accessories.

Track For British Mk-I
Neo Models 1:76
Tiger I, Initial Production Basic Set ~Dragon 6600~
Voyager Model 1:35
German Railway Cars Functional Buffers and Tow Hooks
Voyager Model 1:35
PEA214 Review, 1:48 | Page 581:48 Scale
by Luke PittLuke Pitt explores 1:48 scale military models, figures and accessories.

M4 Late Welded Hull for 105 M4s ~Tamiya~
Tank Workshop 1:48
M4A1 Mid-Production ~Tamiya~
Tank Workshop 1:48
M4 105mmH Combo ~Tamiya~
Tank Workshop 1:48
SAS Officers and Local Man 1942
Evolution Miniatures 1:48
German Machine Gunners WW2
Evolution Miniatures 1:48
German WSS Soldiers 1944-1945
Evolution Miniatures 1:48
EM-48004 Reference | Page 60Book Reviews
A look at the latest titles on our doorstep.
Editorial | Page 66The Last Post... 2010 IN REVIEW
by Brett GreenAnother year is coming to an end... Late breaking news and ramblings from the Editor.