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FineScale Modeler Volume 38 Issue 5

FineScale Modeler


FineScale Modeler
Volume 38 Issue 5 | May 2020

Table of contents

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 14
Painting an Australian Mustang in Italy

by Aaron Skinner
Black-basing and thin layers produce weathered camouflage
North American RAF Mustang III
Tamiya 1:48
61047 1996 New parts

Build Report | Page 16
Kitbashing toy cars

by Matt Lowe
The post-apocalyptic setting of Gaslands makes modeling these cars very forgiving

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 18
King Tiger down

by Larry Brown
Model a diorama of an abandoned Tiger II pushed off the road
Sd.Kfz. 182
King Tiger Henschel Turret
Takom 1:35
2073S 2018 New parts

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 22
Desert Pink, Painting The Squaw

by Chuck Lipkin
Reproducing realistic weathered desert camo on a veteran B-24D Liberator
B-24D Liberator 2019 re-issue
Hasegawa 1:72
E28 (015586) 2019 New box

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 28
Building a Panther killer

by Aaron Skinner
Matching Tamiya's 1/35 scale kit to a sharply filmed T26E3
U.S. Medium Tank
M26 Pershing (T26E3)
Tamiya 1:35
35254 (254) 2002 New tool

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 36
Attacking a heavy fighter

by Ashley Abernathy
Build and detail a 1/72 scale German Me 410A-1
Me410A-1 II./ZG26 Gelb Sieben
Fine Molds 1:72
FP11 1996 New tool

Build Report, 1:144  | Page 42
Berthing a wolf

by Ernest Urtiaga
Detail tips for a 1/144 scale Type VIIC U-boat
U-Boat Type VIIC/41
Revell 1:144

Build Report, 1:8  | Page 48
Lights, camera, INVASION!

by Jeff Pollizzotto
The Mars Attacks! Martian reimagined
The Topps Company Presents
Mars Attacks Martian Warrior
Moebius Models 1:8
MMK936 2014 New tool

Build Report | Page 54
Show Gallery

by Bob Maderich II & John R. Ross
NordicCon 2019

Review, 1:48  | Page 60
Workbench Reviews

by Chuck Davis
Kitty Hawk KH80155, FJ-2 Fury
FJ-2 Fury
Kitty Hawk 1:48
KH80155 2019 New tool

Review, 1:35  | Page 62
Workbench Reviews

by Jim Zeske
Takom 8001, Jagdtiger
Jagdtiger Early/Late Production (2 in 1) (Blitz)
Takom 1:35
8001 2019 New tool

Review, 1:72  | Page 63
Workbench Reviews

by Tom Foti
MPC MPC913, Space:1999 Eagle Transporter
Eagle Transporter
MPC 1:72
MPC913/12 2019 New tool

Review, 1:72  | Page 64
Workbench Reviews

by John Plzak
Dora Wings DW72023, Westland Lysander
Westland Lysander Mk.III (SD)
UA Dora Wings 1:72
DW72023 2019 New tool

Build Report, 1:12  | Page 67
The Most Underrated Droid in the Galaxy

by Elizabeth Nash
When you gotta build, you gotta build