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Scale Aircraft Modelling Volume 25, Issue 5

Scale Aircraft Modelling


Scale Aircraft Modelling
Volume 25, Issue 5 | July 2003

Table of contents

Editorial | Page 297
Editorial comment

by Neil Robinson

News | Page 298
The In Tray

by Neil Robinson, Ernie Lee

Reference | Page 300
Aircraft in Profile

by Glenn Sands, David Howley
Vickers Valiant. As the first of the V-bombers to enter service, the Valiant pioneered Britain's airborne nuclear deterrent. The aircraft was also adapted to a number of other roles, as explained by Glenn Sands.

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 314
Panavia Tornado Gr.Mk 4A

by Trevor Glover
Trevor Glover builds the RAF's high-technology tactical-reconnaissance Tornado, using the Revell kit and brass and resin detail parts from Airwaves and Aires, decals from Xtradecal and a few pieces from Hasegawa.
Tornado GR.1 RAF
Revell 1:72
04619 (80-4619) 2000 New parts
BOZ 107 for Panavia Tornado
Airwaves 1:72
SC7213 199* New tool
Panavia Tornado GR Mk.1
Airwaves 1:72
AC7203 1989 New tool
Tornado IDS wheel bay for Revell kit
Aires 1:72
7082 1999 New tool
Tornado Slatted Wings
Airwaves 1:72
Tornado Sky Shadow
Airwaves 1:72
RAF 1998-2000 Update Part 2
Xtradecal 1:72
X051-72 Multi-topic (2)

Reference | Page 320
SAM plans

by Peter Green
Henschel Hs 129B-2

Build Report, 1:144  | Page 324
Boeing's 'short' 737

by Nils Mathisrud
Nils Mathisrud converts Revell's 1:144 Boeing 737-800 in to the shorter 737-600.
Boeing 737-800
Revell 1:144
04238 1999 New tool
SAS Boeing 737-600/-700/-800
Liveries Unlimited/Airway Graphics 1:144

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 328
Polish Pony

by Randy Lutz
Randy Lutz builds Tamiya's 1:48 scale NA P-51B Mustang Mk III in the markings of Polish 'ace' S/Ldr Eugenlusz Horbaczewski CO of No 315 'Deblinksi' Squadron, early 1944.
North American P-51B Mustang
Tamiya 1:48
61042 1995 New parts

Reference | Page 330
RAF Mustang IV - Factory camouflage and markings

by Victor G. Archer
Victor G. Archer describes and illustrates the official paint schemes.

Reference | Page 334
Inside Story

by Andy Evans
AMX International AMX. Andy Evans briefly describes the development of the multi-national AMX advanced attack/reconnaissance, aircraft with detailed photographs of an AMI-operated example.

| Page 338
Readers' Write


Build Report, 1:72  | Page 342
Letting the Cat out of the bag!

by John McIllmurray
John McIllmurrray builds the Octopus 1:72 scale F7F-3N Tigercat.
Grumman F7F-3N Tigercat
Octopus 1:72
72018 2001 New tool

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 350
In-depth Review

by Tony O'Toole
Saggitario Rising. Tony O'Toole takes a loving look at the Flying Machines' 1:48 scale Reggiane Re 2005 Saggitario (Archer) - the last of the Italian 5 Series fighters.
Re. 2005 Sagittario
Flying Machines 1:48
FM48001 2002 New tool

News | Page 352
Market Place


Miscellaneous | Page 362

by Mike McEvoy