Model Military International 20

- Magazine:
- Model Military International
- Number:
- 20 | December 2007
- Language:
- English
Table of contents
News | Page 4NEWSLINE-December'07
Events, clubs and shows, plus industry announcements
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 8DUG IN DEFENDER
by Mike ToothMike Tooth builds a diorama incorporating AFV Club's 1:48 late Tiger I
Review, 1:48 | Page 14SPEC OPS TAXI
by Ian RuscoeIan Ruscoe checks out Italeri's latest Blackhawk, the MH-60K
Build Report, 1:35 | Page 16ASSAULT HOWITZER
by Kev SmithKev Smith details Dragon's 10.5cm armed Stug III
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 24A CLASS DEUCE AND A HALF
by Luciano RodriguezTech Guide-TAMIYA 1:48 GMC TRUCK. KIT NO. 32548
Reference | Page 32THE GMC CCKW 2 1/2 TON 6X6 TRUCK
by David DoyleDavid Doyle offers some full size reference to complement Luciano's superb 1:48 model.
Editorial | Page 3840TH ANNIVERSERY
by John MurphyThe Editor pays a visit to Historex agents in Dover, to spend the day with the company that has supplied his modelling needs for many years.
Review, 1:48 | Page 40HYDRAULIC PALM
by Paul EgertonPaul Egerton takes a look in the box of Italeri's latest 1:48 Chinook
Review, 1:35 | Page 42SPLIT PANZERNALITY
by Andy WillisDragon's Panzer III J gets our initial impression
News | Page 44Book Reviews
A look at the latest titles to land on our doorstep
News | Page 48letters
The place to air your comments, suggestions and thoughts
Build Report, 1:16 | Page 52ALL AMERICAN AIRBORNE
by Matt WellhouserS&T PRODUCTS, RESIN 1:16 US AIRBORNE 1944. KIT NO. 16027 Matt Wellhouser returns with S&Ts 120mm US Para
News | Page 58Incoming
New kits, products and accessories get our initial thoughts
Tips & Tricks | Page 66THE LAST POST... Techniques
by John MurphyDIRTY WHEELS