Breguet 14A2 Hellenic Army Air service c. 1922

This is a short run kit Frank, fit is as good as is your planning, checking and parts preparation 😉

Thanks and one remark:
I know, the manual call wood for it, but if I look at an existing picture of the engine area the firewall between engine and cockpit looks like metal. Technically it would make sense and was also implemented on other types at this time. As the outer panels are also metal the would be able to build it that way.

@bughunter: You are right, there is a photo (p.13 windsock datafile special) which clearly shows the sheet metal firewall. And a firewall cannot be made from wood! I don't know why they suggest wood color in the instructions maybe evidence exists for a wooden bulkhead aft of the firewall? Any way, too late for me now, fortunately it is not visible in the finished model 🙂

Oh, if Elias is showing stuff here, only something good can come out of it. I grab a seat.

Πολύ ωραία δουλειά Ηλία, όπως πάντα.
Δύο ερωτήσεις:
-Θα φτιάξεις το ΣΟ 18 ? Γιατί είχες αμφιβολία για τον κινητήρα.
- Πως θα κάνεις το rigging?
Με έτοιμα turnbuckles?Βλέπω δεν έχεις ανοίξει τρύπες στα φτερά.

-Δεν έχω αποφασίσει ακόμη ποιο θα φτιάξω. Δουλεύω 9 προφίλ, μάλλον όμως καταλήγω στο "Πελοπόννησος" (6442).
-Για το rigging θα ανοιξω τρυπες (η επάνω πτερυγα δεν είναι ακόμη κολλημένη στην άτρακτο) και θα δοκιμάσω ένα καινούργιο υλικό για τα συρματόσχοινα, δεν θα χρησιμοποιήσω ετοιμα turnbucles. Ακομα δεν ξέρω πως ακριβώς θα το χειριστώ.

Another very special and beautiful build. The only issue I have is the exhaust stack. This looks too uniform in my opinion. Maybe just a dark wash will break that appearance.
Album info
Breguet 14A2 s/n 6442 "Peloponese" Hellenic Army Air Service, Asia Minor, August 1922, pilot: Second lieutenant Morfonios Fragiskos, observer: lieutenant Zografos Nikolaos
The new FLY kit of the Breguet 14 covered a long awaited gap in 1/48 scale for this very important French wwi aircraft, offering many options to built almost any airframe and engine variant of the Breguet 14A2/B2.
The fit is good, so is accuracy compared to the windsock datafile plans and info. This is actually a short run kit so careful planing and test fitting is required to have a trouble free assembly
I suggest to replace all struts with metal ones. The kit parts have a real scale thickness but plastic can not support very well the weight of the model. Guns are from the eduard sopwith camel kit. (much better detail), as well as the p.e propeller boss.
Decals are my design, custom printed by LM fecals.