Su-25TK Ethiopia
68 25 January 2024, 19:29

Very cool, looks like you've got a good start to this kit. These old OEZ ones are pretty basic and the panel lines are quite fuzzy. I hope your SWCs hold it on its front gear. 😉
25 January 2024, 22:22

Thanks Eric, Robert & John 🙂 Welcome to the build.
John: I must have put lead shot behind that Apoxie-Sculpt. It is so heavy I'm afraid the gear might bend under it. We shall see as I've been wrong before 😂
26 January 2024, 00:59

Welcome Jennifer!
This evening the modifications to the tail have been completed. The new bulge contains the flare dispensers along with the tail cap IR jammer. Some other very small antennas were also added to the tail and bulge.
26 January 2024, 03:50

Tyu: So far my research indicates this one was a Su-25UBK. You can see the vents still on the side for the internal gun which was deleted on the TK when the gun was moved to the outside. What I really love about this image is notice how off-kilter the tail code numbers are. This proves that the constant need for decal alignment perfection is not always what happens in the real world.
26 January 2024, 17:03

True, good luck in your build research. Hard subject to find info on. And who cares for aligning fonts 😉.
26 January 2024, 17:09

😂 This is true.
My research so far is rather sad. Two purchased & one crashed, the other used for a few months, then just languishing outside for nearly a decade not being used at all.
26 January 2024, 17:14

A little more progress today. The engine pods required a bunch of sanding and rescribe work. All the cannon venting on the underside was also filled in. Added the new air scoops to the top and bottom of the engine nacelles.
28 January 2024, 02:04

"The engine pods required a bunch of sanding and rescribe work" First OEZ kit? 😉
But seriously, interesting subject. I wonder why they bought a two-seater then just covered over the rear cockpit?
28 January 2024, 02:38

It's a whole different variant. The TK version was supposed to be a "night tank hunter". The rear cockpit was removed and replaced with a fuel tank and avionics. The safety of the pilot was their top concern 😂. Also the gun was moved to the outside. You can see it just behind the man in the pic.
28 January 2024, 12:59

A little more work today. Nearly finished all the weapons for both builds. Also had time to add the external mounted gun on the TK.
31 January 2024, 16:37

Nice job on the stores and cannon, looks pretty easy to break off though! I've always liked the look of the S-25 rocket. It makes me think there were a couple of Russians sitting around after work one day at State Aircraft Weapons Factory No. 6 and brainstorming.
"The RPG works pretty well, what if we just made it BIGGER, comrade?"
31 January 2024, 17:20

Thanks mates I hope you enjoy the progress. Hopefully today I'll paint ejection seats, then preparation for painting.
Rui: You are correct. The fact that pic 5 shows it in a hangar tells that they "cared" for it much more. 🤣 Since there's no pics of it armed, I will arm it with the propaganda photo weaponry not the cheap stuff.
3 February 2024, 14:45

More work today adding antennas and new ECM blisters on the wing pods.
6 February 2024, 15:07

Weapons painted and awaiting their ride to be finished.
14 February 2024, 02:26

Thanks James 😊 Today has been productive. The eye marking is complete.
15 February 2024, 21:05

Thank you Jennifer & Dick 🙂
Doing washes and then weathering with oils today. Trying to attain that "not so airworthy" look.
16 February 2024, 21:23

Thanks Neil 🙂 Today is a waiting game while the oils slowly dry.
17 February 2024, 14:47

I wouldn't even think of touching it again for 2 days. After that I'd test a very small area and likely wait another full day. Luckily for me I'm ghost building another Su-25 on the side, otherwise this would be a painful ordeal.
17 February 2024, 22:45

😂 Neil, I'm always juggling several builds.
Jennifer: It only makes a couple of appearances here in this album. I have the Big Ed photo etch set on that build, so it lagged behind this one.
18 February 2024, 00:36

I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of this one. Very nice model. It's perfect.
20 February 2024, 11:46

Great work Nathan and yeah I'm with you... Never hurts to build lots at once!! Hahaha 🤣 result here looks lovely 👍
20 February 2024, 12:59

Thank you so much for your kind words mates. I'm ready to continue on with the other Su-25 today.
20 February 2024, 13:51

Very good colors and paintwork. More photos of the completed model would be nice.
21 February 2024, 09:37

Thanks Gary & Neuling. This one was great fun.
Hopefully getting a space prepared for better photos soon. This is by far my weakest skill though so I tend to just buy more kit related items than things that would improve my photography. 😂
21 February 2024, 16:04

Very nicely done Nathan. The sun kissed distressed weathered look is good 👍
2 March 2024, 07:08

Thanks Mr James, and Dietmar! I really enjoyed painting this one.
2 March 2024, 14:30

Another beautiful result, Nathan! Way to knock these out of the park! K/r, Dutch
30 April 2024, 18:25

Thank you NLAWS! I guess the only good thing about the story is that it let me have more freedom with the load out.
14 May 2024, 18:39