Startvorbereitungen - preparations to start
21 21 February 2012, 19:40

Yes, it looks very convincing to me, beautiful and good job! Glück Ab!
22 February 2012, 07:17

The modeling is exemplary and all the scenic details in the diorama such as the map, shrubs, tarp really make it look great.
29 September 2022, 12:13

Wonderful! I wonder though, is the sand, sand or perhaps grill spice or something creative? 🙂
29 September 2022, 12:36

Beautiful work 👍 this is one bird I would like to do in my favorite scales.
1 October 2022, 11:50
Album info
Auf einem italienischen Feldflugplatz bereitet sich eine "Tante Ju" auf den Flug vor. Der Pilot erhält letzte Anweisungen, während einige Fallschirmjäger an Bord des Flugzeugs steigen.
On an Italian airfield is preparing an "Aunt Ju" to the flight, while some paratroopers climb on board the plane. The pilot receives final instructions. The pilot receives final instructions.