1 3 October 2012, 06:06

@ Frank, this was my first time with the friultracks. Thanks mate
3 October 2012, 06:35

Friuls are great especially for the Russian tanks..., aren't they.
3 October 2012, 06:39

Friuls are fantastic .I used them the first time on my Pershing ,too.You dont see much of them because of the sideskirts,but on my planed Dio they will be perfect.
Again,very well done ,Kim.
3 October 2012, 07:23

The first time I used Friuls was for a T-26, because the original Mirage rubber caterpillars were so bad... I was a bit afraid, because it isn't plastic material, but it's so easy to work with. And I planned to use Friuls only, when the original ones are bad, but... once you started with Friuls.... you can't stop.
3 October 2012, 08:33

True Frank, I'm also building the sherman and I already have my friultracks. The only bad thing is the price of the tracks.
3 October 2012, 08:43

And on the sherman ther isnt much hang of the Tracks.So the whole work of cleaning and assembeling them is almost a waste of time.But i will do the same if i build a Sherman again.
3 October 2012, 09:00

That's true Markus, haven't think of that before. Thanks for the info.
3 October 2012, 10:48

There are many Scalemodelling events in Europe (Mol, Wuerzburg), where Friul Model ist participating as a vendor. There you the Fruils usually 7-10 EUR cheaper than in a shop.
3 October 2012, 11:32

Thanks Mike
@ Frank, I know, I bought my in Mol but 20 euro is still expensive for just tracks, but you see the difference 🙂
Grtz Kim
3 October 2012, 12:45

Question for you guys, should I repaint the spare tracks?? yes or no.(pic😎.
3 October 2012, 12:54

Where is the pic??without pic i cant tell you!!!
3 October 2012, 13:12

Markus, picture number 8 ( the spare tracks silver kinda ).
3 October 2012, 14:11

I agree with Mike.(perhaps it helps,see pic 14 of my Pershing
3 October 2012, 14:31

In this case you sprayed a heavily diluted light rust on it adding under certain circumstances some pigments or (I prefer this way) you use the rust tone from Abteilung 502. It's easier to control the layer. Hope this will help you.
3 October 2012, 14:39

Nice work mate. Agree with Mike regarding to the tracks. But a bit of dust will solve it quickly
3 October 2012, 15:12

The dust and rust set from lifecolor is great!!And then some mig rust wash.
3 October 2012, 15:28

Ok thanks for the tips guys. Gonna post some pics of the spare tracks if they are finished. Grtz Kim
3 October 2012, 19:27

nice one, got this one waiting to be done also 😄 hope it's gonna look a bit like this one then 😄
25 January 2013, 10:28