B-25 Build
9 October 2012, 21:18

Good mornin´Augie! I´m exited how you tackle this camo but i´m convinced it will become one of your favorites!
10 October 2012, 06:24

thanks Holly..
heres an update,
Missing Main gear oleo's.. so SAC replacments on order..
engines starting.. and working on fueslage..
15 October 2012, 20:45

As i was a young boy i bought an airfix willys jeep in 1:24.As i opened the box the axles were missing.I brought it (after the tears had dried) back to the model shop.
I swore no more airfix kits.
Looks very good so far ,Augie.Looking forward to see the camo!!I know you can do it 🙂
16 October 2012, 19:37

Looking nice so far! When I look at he first pictures... Is there any Humbrol green you don`t have ? 🙂
16 October 2012, 19:44

Thanks Gents.. 🙂
and Christian.. thats not Humbrol.. thats an Airfix Green.. M26
16 October 2012, 20:42

Well I was looking at the several tin cans arround the fuselage halves. They are all green?!? But anyway nice start on this big bird!
17 October 2012, 05:47

Oo hehe yeah they are... I think i have about 40 differnt greens now
17 October 2012, 10:46

I didnt knew that Airfix is doing enamels! Nice engine, so far!
17 October 2012, 11:14

I though have Revellcans from my childhood but they are all not older than me!🙂
17 October 2012, 13:48

Hehe i have some humbrol authentic colour pots too... Good paints. Great coverage... Toxic as hell
17 October 2012, 14:35

You need a workingsuite, gloves and a mask to paint with them?😢
17 October 2012, 14:48

Olive green and black are my favourite colors 🙂
17 October 2012, 15:12

600g seems to be a lot! Be careful with the landing gear, it might break.
23 October 2012, 12:23

yeah, i didnt want a tail sitter.... so loaded the front of the engine nacelles with lead shot
23 October 2012, 19:26

Piccies of the first 6 .50's.. these are the eduard brassin ones i will be using to replace all kit ones.
25 October 2012, 18:41

These guns look very convincing! I will stay tuned on this build! Looking very nice so far! So make the best out of it!
25 October 2012, 18:53

Thanks Christian, I intend to 🙂 stay tuned as i have some scratch building todo
25 October 2012, 19:26

So the bombadire compartment is a little sparse..
bee scratch building some detail for it
28 October 2012, 16:42

It's just fun watching your progress, Augie! Guess you will leave the bomb compartment open...
28 October 2012, 17:39

thanks frank 🙂 as it happens.. yes the bomb compartment will be open. hopefully will be ready to close the fuselage half's soon
28 October 2012, 17:45

Augie making a plane without jet engines ? You surprise me again 🙂
I like very much the guns, the wiring detail and the interior painting.
28 October 2012, 18:39

Lol thank you Aghis. yeah thought i would show i can do the prop birds like the rest of you😉 i'm enjoying it too
28 October 2012, 18:56

thanks mike, its just bomb equipment thats missing so am scratch building from balsa..
28 October 2012, 19:22

lol well yeah thats me.. plus i've never found a supplier for plasticard 🙂
28 October 2012, 19:27

@Augie: Supplier for plasticards?
What about here? modellbau-koenig.de/..05mm_i290_9450_0.htm
28 October 2012, 21:22

So i have a week off.. time to get some more on the B-25 done.. as you can see.. scratch details into the tail gunners area. No seat supplied in kit and no chutes.
Nose compartment is coming along, need to get more details into it, otherwise it will look very dull through the large glass nose.
29 October 2012, 14:01

Hi Augie! You are making great progress on your B-25. This model will come out very nice. Liked this build from the day you started it. Happy Modelling!
29 October 2012, 19:32

Iam allways suprised what you can do with the brush.Looks more than OK.Very well done ,Augie.
30 October 2012, 19:25

awww thanks Markus, its just well... more years than i care to mention of practice😉
and the right brush.. i use flat ones which help reduce brush marks.
have notices one mistake i made... i was thinning the paint with brush cleaner!!
30 October 2012, 19:42

Well, as you can see, I've been a busy girl.. the front compartment now looks lot busier.. and actually useful
fuselage together.. wings on.. and enough weight in nose 🙂
1 November 2012, 21:22

@Wilfried: So you mean, we should call Augie "Lucky L"augie" now...😉
@Augie: That's high speed quality... A superb mix! 🙂
1 November 2012, 22:51

Update as to where it is.. its sitting drying.. from about 4 coats of future.
downside of the authentic colors.. they pickup fingermarks like you wouldn't believe.
So.. Going to look at another kit.. while it drys.. new project coming up
2 November 2012, 14:43

Looking good Augie, the ammo belts will add realism. i like the detail in the nose.
4 November 2012, 10:31

Coooooooll .Very good.Almost unbelieveable for brush Painting.
4 November 2012, 10:37

Thanks Guys 🙂
@Bill: Ironically, you can hardly see the belts in the rear turret.. but looks good what you can see 🙂
@Markus: Its the multiple coats of Future that help disguise brush marks😉
@Acki: Acki, you have me blushing again... I don't think i'm a goddess, just well practiced 🙂
4 November 2012, 13:50

Speed modeller Augie😉
- again a very good job! She's a beauty already. The final result will surely be a pleasure to explore!
Don't forget to take a lot of pictures from all angles!
4 November 2012, 17:41

Hey frank,
Dont worry i'll get piccies from all angles for you guys. These were just to show how it looks at the moment 🙂
4 November 2012, 17:44

Wow, great colour choice! Don`t know why, but let me say, you have an unerring flair of colour schemes!
I like your Russian Lady. What the sentence says in the translation???
The details you have done are amazing. Sadly all your tricky work is hidden inside..
You have to look for male Pin Up`s.. HaHaHaHa...
Really a nice work and as I find you`re getting better and better. Both thumps up!
4 November 2012, 18:37

🙂 thanks Dirk, I enjoy ones that are not the usual..
its been a fun build, not going to over do the weathering on this on.. just a little
maybe the next one i will do a male pin up on 😉
4 November 2012, 18:55

But you did some nice colour modulation on both fuselage parts inside, I`ve seen!
So, this way is possible too on surface details, if you like! 🙂 And as a just for fun project it is an amazing model you did.
My question again, do you know what says the sentence in russian language painted on your Russian Lady?
Will be difficult to find some male pin up`s.
🙂 🙂 🙂
4 November 2012, 19:04

Hi Dirk,
Sorry i missed the question first time.
The nose writing is "roslavl?skiy" which is for the town called Roslavl, which resides in the Roslavlsky disctrict in the Smolensk Oblast.
4 November 2012, 19:28

Wonderful work, Augie! I wonder if she has the name of town on her because the folks who live there raised the money to buy the plane?
4 November 2012, 19:31

Hey Bill,
She was supplied under lend-lease, so not sure..
I think that was her home base
4 November 2012, 20:01

Fantastic Augie. Well done. Sorry i am off for a while as my painting booth is too big to fit in. I have now my modelling table but have to paint somewhere else....................in the balcony for example. With the new flat we got in 2011, my modelling room shrunk to about 1/3 so i have to make with what i have got although the flat is larger. I will be modelling soon as i cleared everything now.
4 November 2012, 21:26

Hi Augie, congratulations, another original subject from you. Always interesting to see your works since we almost never see other like this.
Congratulations once more. The Me... not Japanese? 🙂 🙂 🙂
11 November 2012, 13:20

I built that kit before. Lovely one Augie........................
17 December 2012, 22:09

Hehe yes sherif, they in there.. A pain to get in
And thanks Michael 🙂
18 December 2012, 07:02

Iam allways impressed about your skills with the Brush.
Looks great .Well done Augie.My Favourite until now. 🙂
18 December 2012, 08:45

🙂 thanks Markus, I have to admit, i think this one is my favourite too
18 December 2012, 18:51

I agree with Markus,
an unconventional paintsheme, a beautyful aircraft in combination with fine craftmanship! (sry, craftwomanship)
21 December 2012, 06:55

Great, Augie! There's nothing to see that it is repaired. Looks like built straight away without any issues. 👍
But... when I look at the last picture especially at the front wheel... Hope you secured your bomber from moving forward...😉
12 May 2013, 13:45

😭 Puuuh..., I was sweating blood, sweat and tears... 👍 Now I'm relieved. 😄
12 May 2013, 13:55

🙂 Yeah i have to move them around to get piccies frank.. else they obscure each other.
thanks Maarten 🙂 i like the Russian effect on the B-25
12 May 2013, 13:58
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