Su-7BM 'Fitter-A'
2 22 August 2013, 08:41

nice job.I also have a kit like this. besidesF-5E IRAN AIRFORCE
22 August 2013, 11:30

thanks again. I really like the kit. Very well detailed, especially the cockpit and wheel wells. Of course there's always room for some improvement, but it looks to be very accurate as well - I've worked on such fighters in a museum and the shapes are all there. I only replaced the ejection seat, as kit one was too big to fit in the tub and level of detail just cannot be compared. and you get a nuclear bomb with a trolley as a bonus
22 August 2013, 15:27

Awesome Sebastijan!!
Shame didn't got my hands on this kit back when it was released (now around $80 on ebay!!!!!), but fortunately, Modelsvit released the export version (-BMK for $25 🙂 )
I think it's worth it.
22 August 2013, 15:44