Tamiya P-51D "Candy Baby"
Photo 1 of 41
9 August 2015, 18:37

Wow !! Derek excellent build and really great paint work really excellent 👍 👍
2 September 2015, 04:14

Thanks! Those are quite the compliments. This model, as fine a kit as it is, has fought me every step of the way and I am happy to see it approaching the finish line. This is my first-ish attempt at Alclad II, and it has been a bear. Almost every time I masked a part of the kit, I pulled up chunks of the alclad and often the alclad primer underneath. This required sanding whole panel sections, re-priming and re-alclading sections of the model. I will be ready for this to be finished. That being said, I am pleased (if not surprised) at how well it is turning out.
2 September 2015, 15:04

How did I miss this one, excellent P-51. I have the Tamiya Tuskegee Airmen kit.
20 January 2016, 22:35

nice finish.
I may be wrong, but the fuselage could have look a bit better with black primer instead of white. it is just a suggestion for next build.
P51D body should be a bit more metallic/shiny than the wings (NMF body versus painted wings to improve airflow). I am sure some P51 experts can provide more details.
21 August 2016, 21:46

Clifford, that's Alclad over Alcladsome grey primer and microfiber Spanjaard, I agree that there was room to improve. This was my first time doing anything NMF (finished about this time last year). That said, this Mustang was a build in honor of a family friend, now deceased, that flew this aircraft with the 8th AF. I think there is an argument that war birds tended to be a little less shiny than what you see new off the production line, or in an airshow.
22 August 2016, 03:16