31. JGSDF Type 90 MBT w/Mine Roller
2 29 March 2016, 08:30

I'm not normally a fan of mud pushers, but that is really excellent, top work
29 March 2016, 09:48

Thank you very much. I'm happy to read such warm comments. 😉
29 March 2016, 10:17

very nice work... how did you do the parts of the turned-up snow from the roller and behind the tracks?
29 March 2016, 11:11

Thank you by Bart.
How did I made them? By mistake. 😉 Once I was playing with baking soda and hair spray and I've noticed that regardless how many spray I put to soda it evaporate quickly giving first some kind of blob and then chunks of soda. I used this method on the base.
Since whole base was covered with different colours of pigments and then with soda, I just had to apply some hair spray randomly and locally, only in place I wanted to create bits of dirty snow. Then with stiff brush I just tried to wipe snow in one direction. In this way it build up some smaller and bigger chunks.
It's a good method as you have a full control of it. If snow (soda) is not gluing you can add more hair lacquer. If you need more snow you just put more soda. If you need some dirt you add pigments. If the chunks are too big you just have to wait for lacquer to dry and you break them info smaller bits again.
29 March 2016, 11:32

some off the best things happen by accident, but it's a technique I will keep in mind
29 March 2016, 11:53

No problem. I'm sure that one day you will make a good use of it. In case of questions - feel free to ask.
29 March 2016, 12:09
Album info
Photos of completed model of Type90 Main battle Tank in winter camouflage.