Operation Eiche, Gran Sasso (COMPLETED)
3 3 July 2016, 13:37

I follow with interest 🙂 Me too I want to build the "Mussolini storch" but in 1/72 scale😉
7 July 2016, 06:50

Welcome to operation Eiche Eelco, Christian & Rui! Even though the fuselage is joined up in step 4, this build is all about the cockpit. The canopy on this is HUGE! I'm working on other things today so the only thing I've done is repair the exhausts on the engine as one of my cats jumped on it!
7 July 2016, 14:44

I have been waving the "hairy stick" about to bring the cockpit to life & paint the engine I will post some pics just before I join the fuselage together.
10 July 2016, 23:11

Pics have been posted. Some touch-up work required. Engine is painted. Using PVA on the fiddly fabric seatbelts which takes forever to dry!
12 July 2016, 14:59

Hi Dave, cool work so far! Why have you used PVA for the belts? Btw, i build some fabric belts too and they are fiddly, you are absolutely right! LOL 😄
12 July 2016, 15:34

@Marco Thank you! @Holger The instructions for the seatbelts say to use PVA & NOT any other type of glue as it eats the fabric.
12 July 2016, 15:51

Always loved this spindly plane. Going to follow your build with interest.
13 July 2016, 07:26

Nice paint job Dave, especially on the exhausts pipes. Did you use pigments on them?
13 July 2016, 08:28

No, just Humbrol enamel #113 Rust. I didn't stir it & used a clumpy bit! @Lex Welcome aboard 🙂
13 July 2016, 17:41

So, the fuselage is together with the cockpit tub in place and the engine is ready to be fitted. I lost an entire days work after I saw a tip to weather the seatbelts. The tip suggested soaking the belts in coffee, which I did. However it destroyed the PVA glue & they all came undone meaning I had to re-glue them all again 🙁 Still, they do look good 🙂 The build should go much faster now.
17 July 2016, 15:01

Nice work, the seat belts were well worth the effort. Currently thinking about using them on my 1:35 Storch from Tristar. Size difference shouldn't be too bad...
17 July 2016, 18:16

@Marine Thank you, yours is well advanced! @Fabian Thank you also 🙂 Yes, the seatbelts are far superior to PE belts. Your eye won't see the scale difference between 1:32 v 1:35 on those belts.
17 July 2016, 20:38

Looking good. I also used the HGW seat belt in my Revell Arado 196. Indeed, fiddly but worth while. Keep up the good work!
18 July 2016, 06:29

With the high heat here in the UK I have been unable to do any priming as it just turned to tar in the cup 🙁 So, as it's much cooler today, I have been able to apply an initial coat of primer. 🙂
25 July 2016, 15:31

Iv'e finally managed to move forward. The underneath is now Sky Blue & she is masked of for the splinter camo paint job. Shea's had one coat but that has proved to be to thin over the black primer, so another coat is needed.
9 August 2016, 14:13

Having re-sprayed the wings she has now had a gloss coat & decals. Some silvering is visible no doubt as a result of a poor application of the gloss coat 🙁 She has also had a wash & flat coat.
27 September 2016, 13:41

OK, the wings are finally on, now for the awkward to align undercarriage...
10 October 2016, 13:05

At last the finishing touches are done and Operation Eiche is complete 🙂 It has taken 3 months (I lost my MOJO after making a mess of painting the upper wings) but mostly fun! Even though this kit is 30 years old it goes together without major issue. And the PE set is a must given the "glasshouse" canopy. I'm tempted to buy another & make Rommel's desert Storch!!! 🙂 🙂
12 October 2016, 22:29

I like the end result. With it's spindly undergariage it really deserves it's name. Curious what your next project will be.
13 October 2016, 06:47

TKS Lex 🙂 I am more than pleased with the final result. You can just click on my "Projects" to see what I'm working on, currently a 1/48 Lysander. In November I am starting a MAJOR project. I will attempt to build TWO 1/32 Sturmovik versions at the same time!!! Stay tuned 🙂
13 October 2016, 11:08

TKS everybody! @Lex Its a scary idea I know, I have to clear the bench a bit before I commit, so November may be a bit optimistic 🙂
14 October 2016, 15:06
Album info
The rescue of Mussolini from his mountain top "prison".