Revell Tornado IDS - Completed!
8 26 June 2017, 04:02

All done! Gotta re-take some pics, not really pleased with how these turned out.
26 June 2017, 04:39

Thanks Holger, I am very happy with this one. But I am definitely glad to be done, and am ready to get onto the next project. 🙂
26 June 2017, 14:15

Yep, back to the Fitter. I have everything I need for it now. Will start on it tonight after I re-set my work area. It's always such a disaster upon the completion of a model. LOL
26 June 2017, 14:32

I know how you feel! My bench looks like a mess! Its always funny, when i clean up, i find paints, i thought i lost or are empty. And believe it or not, usually i ordered right these paints two days ago...😎
26 June 2017, 14:40

Excellent work and finish Michael 👍 You kept the look of the real one very well.
26 June 2017, 14:45

Thanks Christian, Stephan, Murad, and Spanjaard! Your kind words are very much appreciated!
Stephan, I am truly honored to receive such a compliment from a former member of the JABO 31 squadron bird I have built. Thank you for the great compliment, it has made my day!
26 June 2017, 17:43

Thanks Augie and Donald! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave such nice comments.
26 June 2017, 21:41

Well done, great end result. What technique did you use to paint the detonator strip.on the canopy? I tried painting mine but ended up abandoning it and cleaning off as I was not happy with the results.
27 June 2017, 20:56

Thanks Christian, Erik, Alistair, James, Clifford, and Peter! I really appreciate the kind words.
Alistair, I struggled a little with that. Here is what I ended up doing:
The canopy was dipped in future (just a background tidbit, not sure if it contributed to the success I saw)
I used Vallejo Acrylic Silver, and painted the inside detonator strip, but I was only a little careful. I actually went over the lines quite a bit. Once it was dry, I took a toothpick and scraped away the excess sliver. Since the det. strip is slightly raised on the inside, I was able to easily find the edge of the strip with the toothpick.
I would probably only use acrylic paint for this technique since they tend to be less "bitey".
28 June 2017, 01:42

Great tip for the 'det cord' in the canopy. 🙂
A MOST impressive build Michael. Something to sit and look at for an hour or so as you ponder the next build. LOL :-0
Congrats on a job well done. 👍
28 June 2017, 01:54

Duly noted on the det cord. I will have to go back and look at doing that on my 1/32. I just left it alone on that. I may have to try your method.
28 June 2017, 03:16

I have been hand painting canopy frames all my life (I have a very steady hand!) but if i go over the lines don't stress, use the "toothpick" method or a ice cream "Paddle Pop" stick cut to a blunt scraper shape to "carefully" remove any paint that goes over the line! Masking frames sends you to the loony ward! Oh don't you just love German WW2 bombers!
29 June 2017, 00:13

Thanks Kerry, Florent, Michael, Markus, Dale, Maciej, Ed, Glenn, Mats, and Marcus! I really appreciate you all taking the time to leave such wonderful comments and compliments!
29 June 2017, 16:44

Hell yeah! The more the merrier. Just gotta make your way to Akron, Ohio. 😉
29 June 2017, 17:23

What a Beauty Michael - for me you best and most beautiful build. 🙂
Currently thinking of doing one myself, but sadly I cant find the Wingman Model decals anymore....(one of the reasons why should collect stuff as soon they come out... 🙁 )
23 February 2018, 10:42

Woow! Fantastic work! Beside that the decal option was a really good choice. 😉
23 February 2018, 11:25

And another fine piece for Michaels collection. Awesome work on that!
23 February 2018, 12:51

Timothy, I sure could! LOL If it doesnt snow next weekend, my son and I will be heading for Wright Pat to see the USAF museum
23 February 2018, 19:33

Tim, yes, the one on Wright Patterson AFB. Long range forecast is showing a snowstorm around the 2nd.
23 February 2018, 23:25

I've been there years ago 3x = 3days and still haven't seen it all! LOL Great museum! Hey I look at weathermen like politicians, where else can you get paid that much, screw up and not get fired! LOL Hope the forecast changes for you, your son will love it!
24 February 2018, 00:49

Thanks Sören, Mike, Tim, Timothy, Eelco, Konrad, Patrick, Burkhard, Forest, Robert, and Christian! I really appreciate the kind words from all of you. It is fun to see this project come back for an encore showing!
Donald and Timothy, I am lucky in that the USAF Museum is only about a 3 hour drive from me. Despite that fact, I have not been there since I was a kid! But I do plan on going this spring/summer for sure, and I will be definitely taking lots of pics!
24 February 2018, 01:55

Sören, would you be interested in my leftover sheet? There are still most of the markings left, and you could probably build any of the subjects other than the one I did. I seriously doubt I will build another German Tornado. If you are interested, just shoot me a PM and I am sure we can work out a deal for shipping costs.
24 February 2018, 01:56

Michael I am amazed how fast you work, and your builds and paint work are flawless. Appreciate your models
24 February 2018, 03:43

Awesome model! Especially the engine soot is depicted beautifully.
One question regarding the HARM armament: Were those carried by IDS Tornados or only by the ECR version?
24 February 2018, 08:47

Thanks Clifford, Doug, Ed, Marko, and Demigod!
Demigod, it was pointed out to me that only the German ECR Tornadoes carry Harms, quite a bit after I had completed my build, actually.
24 February 2018, 18:16

Great result. Good priced model as well. I've done the GR.4 and just purchased the new F.3.
25 February 2018, 14:37

Right plane wrong squadron. 😄
Just kidding - it's a wonderful build. I like your Tonka! 👍
25 February 2018, 15:19

Thanks Alistair, ice, David, and Scott!
ice, I take it you were in or are a fan of a different squadron? 🙂
26 February 2018, 04:46

Wooaw Michael...that's absolutely a real nice German Tonka 👍!
I did some research and I recently purchased the Hobbyboss Tornado IDS. I wonder if this kit has the same quality as the Revell one? What's your experience with this Revell one...?
28 June 2020, 07:33

Thanks Jos, Skywalker, Neuling, and Nathan!
Jos, from what I understand, the Revell kit is considerably more accurate in shape, I think detail is similar, although the detail on the Revell is very impressive and likely a bit better. BUT, and this is a big BUT, this kit is a MAJOR P.I.T.A to build! It has been a couple of years since I built it, but I do remember thinking that I really did not want to build another Revell Tornado after I finished, although I am now not of the same thinking, since it builds into a very nice model.
28 June 2020, 20:37

Michael, your spot on, the revell is considered more accurate.. but a pain in the arse to build.
Hobby boss one has some interesting shape issues around the nose and cockpit.
28 June 2020, 20:56