14 April 2018, 16:40
gtierygood job, Pierre, as usual !
16 April 2018, 07:56
Bart GoesaertNice build and excellent paintjob as always... Didn't knew the ATAC aircraft, but it's a striking camo...
16 April 2018, 14:44
RonanNice build and excellent paintjob😉
16 April 2018, 20:40
GlennThis is a great little kit the detail and weapons options are great very well molded kit.
17 April 2018, 05:16
Soeren R.Its indeed a great job you achieved here 🙂
17 April 2018, 05:30
Harry EderVery nice paintjob! 👍
17 April 2018, 06:16
CuajeteLooks fantastic so far!
17 April 2018, 10:56