Daniel Phelps Authorwanting to finish the f-4 kit by Christmas day
23 December 2017, 06:05
Spanjaardyou can do it 🙂
23 December 2017, 09:57
DennisSo you are basically halfway done by now! We're rooting for you! 😄
23 December 2017, 10:12
Daniel Phelps AuthorI'm adding the 1:48 Black Bunny kit to the project
23 December 2017, 18:59
SpanjaardBoth to be finished by Christmas?
23 December 2017, 19:05
Daniel Phelps Authorthat's the plan, by bed time Christmas night.
23 December 2017, 19:27
Konrad -Ok I'm watching too. Nice Cockpit which one is it?
23 December 2017, 19:30
Daniel Phelps AuthorOff to run errands, the wings are not glued to the fuselage yet, going to paint the cockpits when I return.
23 December 2017, 22:31
Daniel Phelps AuthorDecided to build the same squadron, VF-92 Silverkings
25 December 2017, 01:29
Daniel Phelps Author1:72 Cockpit is installed
25 December 2017, 01:47
Daniel Phelps AuthorThe 1:48 cockpit is installed
25 December 2017, 05:53
Daniel Phelps AuthorNow i'm going to do the canopies
25 December 2017, 06:55
Konrad -Indeed a Speed build! I like your squadron Choice too 👍
25 December 2017, 10:25
Daniel Phelps Authormasking the clear parts
25 December 2017, 16:28
Dave FlittonKeep going! Did you use any resin cockpit replacements?
25 December 2017, 16:48
Daniel Phelps AuthorSorry, Guys Not going to get them finished tonight like i wanted. My friend came by and brought my progress to a stop, ill get the 1/48 primed before bed tonight
26 December 2017, 05:40
Daniel Phelps AuthorStarting the painting, Using Mission Models Paint, Awesome Paint!!
30 December 2017, 08:09
Konrad -Cool stuff I'm currently not sure if I should change to Mission Models Paint. I've heard it is not so easy to handle...
30 December 2017, 09:23
Daniel Phelps Author1/48 is being painted
31 December 2017, 23:30
Daniel Phelps Author1/48 She's up on her legs
2 January 2018, 02:34
Konrad -Very nice Mare 👍
2 January 2018, 06:55
Daniel Phelps Authori'll be doing decals tomorrow
2 January 2018, 07:13
Duncan CookHi Daniel,
did you need any weight for the aircraft to stand straight?
The instructions don't mention anything and I am out of lead.
Can I continue building or do I need weight?
8 July 2018, 23:12
Daniel Phelps AuthorNo weight need for the F-4 kit. All of the f-4 kits I've built have never needed weight in the nose due to where the landing gear sit.
14 July 2018, 17:03
Daniel Phelps AuthorShe's got decals currently adding data, now that's a handful.
14 July 2018, 17:18
Clifford KeeslerVery nice. It would not be an F-4 if it was not covered in stencils. LOL.
14 July 2018, 23:58
SpanjaardSpecially if you add resin for cockpit and wheels....that will certainly keep the nose down😉
15 July 2018, 09:47
SpanjaardVery nice masking job by the way
15 July 2018, 13:09
Daniel Phelps AuthorThe only resin parts are the main wheels.
Thanks Mates
15 July 2018, 15:52