Dragon Ju 88 G6
1 30 January 2018, 12:14

idd a nice start.... is it a sanding queen so far? or is it a descent fit
2 February 2018, 11:39

Sand Queen 🙂 , Dragon Normal to buy, like the supply of putty to the store still has 😄
2 February 2018, 12:02

Nice work so far. This kit is quite good, but there are some parts that need a special attention. The engines for example require a lot of putty and sanding. Tale care to the attachment of the wings. Have a look to my Mistel, maybe it would help: Le Grand Duc : Mistel 1 | Album by Hikaru (1:48)
4 February 2018, 11:38

Thank you RV, I've followed your Mistel very closely, but I have to notice, Dragon differs in each type, I have Ju 188 E, Ju 88 C6 and Ju 88 C6 / N ready, there were even differences between Revell Ju 88 C6 / N and Dragon C6, even the so small Fw 190 A shows Revell or Dragon some trowels ......, the same, after the G6 I will also turn to the Mistel variants, stock of Dragon I have enough 🙂
4 February 2018, 12:24

The pulpit I have again removed, too much dust on the inside, the surfaces are filled, but now comes the connection to the fuselage, that's probably again a lot of sanding dust, the sandstorm is sure: D
6 February 2018, 14:38

what a fast progress on this putty queen! Looking at your pictures bring up memories of these sanding/fitting sessions of the past 🙂 Keep on - it's worth it!
8 February 2018, 14:30

Basic color RLM 76 of Model Master, at the tail of a plastic remnant is inserted, which is the receptacle for the antenna wire, the sec. glue closes the "gap" without worry
9 February 2018, 07:47

Another kit that's high on my list... good work so far, Jens. Looking forward to the next steps!
11 February 2018, 09:51

Thank you Wilfried, but if you want to have the G6, then ICM has something of modern shapes and it would consume significantly less filler 😉
11 February 2018, 09:56

Thanks James, I'm glad that it slowly comes to an end, the Radarnase had to be glued again, so again spatula, but I have wax spatula, so that's a little more comfortable 🙂 more pictures tomorrow in the light 🙂
13 February 2018, 18:54

Das freut mich sehr zu hören 😉
Dann kann man sich in naher Zukunft ja auf ein paar Speedbuilds einstellen 😉
15 February 2018, 14:38

ich denke ja, ein klein wenig hab ich noch an Vorrat 😄, Zeit ist ja immer für den Spass 🙂
15 February 2018, 14:42

Thanks Thomas, I certainly do not have the ambition and the passion like you, the talent even less, the more your words honor me, thank you 🙂
Danke Thomas, ich habe sicher nicht den Ehrgeiz und die Leidenschaft wie du, das Talent noch weniger, um so mehr ehren mich deine Worte , danke 🙂
15 February 2018, 22:04

Jens, die Maschine ist wirklich sehr schön geworden 🙂 ich hätte mir bei den ganzen Antennen und Kabeln sicherlich die Finger gebrochen.
Von mir gibt es ein top 👍
16 February 2018, 19:55

Danke Stephan , die Finger sind heile geblieben, aber anfassen sollte ich die Diva nicht mehr, die Antennen sind extrem flüchtig 😄
16 February 2018, 20:03

Thank you Hanno, I am glad if I can convince you with the colors 🙂
24 February 2018, 03:38