Big Hog finished
2 3 August 2019, 04:27

Great outcome - I admire people who make 72-scale aircraft and one doesn't notice until actively looking up the scale... 👍 Nice "salty dog"!😉
3 August 2019, 05:19

Canopy glass looks very nice I think. Did you dip it in Pledge Future?
3 August 2019, 10:02

Thanks a lot guys! 🙂 @Treehugger, yep that was Pledge Future. It really brings out the sparkle and protects the clear part while masking and cutting the masks around the canopy frames.
3 August 2019, 13:02

Hans, this was my first try at salt chipping other then adding subtle splotches to camoflage schemes. I had to come back with a misting of the top color though as the difference between the aluminum, zinc chromate and Dark Sea Blue was too harsh
3 August 2019, 13:05

Love your build mate, thanks for letting me know about it as I've somehow missed it earlier!
12 August 2019, 19:25

You're welcome Urban! It was an experimenting canvas for some techniques but you might find some ideas or pointers here. 🙂
12 August 2019, 20:06

I'm gonna try some stuff on my build but you can say that I'll wing it as that's what I usually do...
12 August 2019, 21:00

I love subtle weathering... great balance and restraint on top of a superb paint job!
12 August 2019, 21:40

Thanks Andy! If you need any tips, just holler Urban.
12 August 2019, 23:43

Looks great Patrick. I will have to refer to your salt technique when I build mine 👍
15 August 2019, 14:48
Album info
After a little sprint to bring it in for club night, this little bird has spread its wings to soar.