Big Wind
33 22 January 2020, 02:38

I came across this hungarian vehicle that they use to fight oil well fires called Big Wind where they strapped 2 Mig jet engines to a T-55 tank and was like "I would like to have one of these" but alas there is no kit so I am making my own. It is very challenging and fun.
22 January 2020, 02:41

There were two versions of it, the first was based on the T-34, the second on the T-55. I have the most pictures of the second version so I went with that. It is very rad.
22 January 2020, 03:00

Very cool Zach! Stunning and a unique Project 👍! I'm definitely in here!
22 January 2020, 05:21

The Big Wind (Matuo Kasten MTUAFV-114, 1:144)
Zach, have you seen this???
22 January 2020, 17:03

This'd be useful at my next birthday party to help blow out the candles.
22 January 2020, 17:16

Patrick I saw that, but 1:144 is a little small for my tastes.
22 January 2020, 18:58

Another awesome subject Zach. They should call that thing the Wolf because it could blow your house down!
23 January 2020, 02:00

Big Wind = Big Fart right? Give me a can of beans and I could probably blow out that fire too 😛
28 January 2020, 18:53

I don't know if putting out a fire with methane would work, Chris. But hey I'd love to see you try it, hahaha.
29 January 2020, 12:14

as long as you can prevent oxygen to reach the fire... don't know what you'd need to eat then...
29 January 2020, 12:31

Damn, that vehicle is freaking awesome - can't wait to see it's completed.
29 January 2020, 13:05

got more stuff built out. Used an old bottle of spazstix for the engine intake. Now that i've got the big details in, it's on to the medium sized forms.
30 January 2020, 00:57

Working on trying to get all of the details in so I can start painting hopefully next week, but much of the main structure and some of the finer bits are in.
7 February 2020, 00:52

That thing just screams DOMINATION! Can't wait to see her all done up!
7 February 2020, 01:22

Painting is going well, the whole thing is together. Now to add some dust, some dirt, some mud, a base and a few figures. And plenty of detail objects 🙂
14 February 2020, 02:29

This is excellent. I'm so excited to see how the rest turns out. Any plans to wire up some fans to really make big wind blow?
14 February 2020, 12:51

Fantastic finish. Another absolutely great idea and finish Zach.
22 February 2020, 23:26

I agree with Konrad. High quality products off the beaten track are your trademark´Zach.
23 February 2020, 07:28

Fantastic work and impressive speed! Only 4 weeks for this project... wow!
23 February 2020, 08:02

Looks like a giant flame thrower or something like that. Or, the tank engines are weak or not installed, and somehow the tank goes only in reverse. 🙂
23 February 2020, 12:28

Showed my parents this when they came over for a visit. They thought big wind was wild... and they were blown away by the scratchbuilding
23 February 2020, 21:24

Thanks all. Definitely learned a lot about the importance of planning and some other things about scale. Hopefully some enterprising company makes a 35th scale version of this guy for real.
24 February 2020, 02:06

Zach, so I am assuming that the pipes get connected to some sort of AFFF or other fire suppression foam? In which case, it would need a HUGE amount of foam. If its purpose is just to blow back the flames and smoke for a wildcat crew to get close enough to work on the rig, then that is still al ot of wind to deal with at your back! A very interesting Russian re-purposing of old T-55 hulls. The possibilities are almost endless. There are a few limits to what you can do with a demilled T-55 hull and what appears to be 2 × Dobrynin RD-7M-2 afterburning turbojet engines. Very nice build! Kindest regards, Dutch
26 February 2020, 20:04

They just use water and jet power to blow the fire out. I posted a video at the top of the thread.
26 February 2020, 20:18

Nice Build. The RAF used to use a similar contraption for clearing snow from runways in a hurry, It was a pair of jet engines on a trolley attached to the front of a very low geared fuel bowser.
19 June 2020, 19:20

Top class. I've not done any scratch building before...would i start with something like thus!!!??
27 February 2021, 16:34

This video helped me get a basic understanding of the process Youtube Video - but there is a lot more once you really delve into it.

27 February 2021, 16:50

Cool subject and absolutely admirable scratchbuilt details, excellent !
27 February 2021, 17:11

Thanks for choosing. Hungarian engineers created this Beast. MOL: Magyar Olaj- és Gázipari Nyrt./Hungarian Oil and Gas Public Limited Company
Good job!
27 February 2021, 17:30

Haha, Oil well on fire? No problem, we'll just blow it out like a candle!
27 February 2021, 21:08

Incredible scratchbuild, very origiginal,subject, well done!
16 March 2021, 16:58

Scratch as scratch can... What a terrific workpiece you expose here Zach Congrats 👍
Admirable talent and craftsmanship Zach... wow 👍👍👍
1 April 2021, 22:12