Turbo Capri GT
2 26 May 2020, 14:12

Wow Dominick that really rocks ! Was the engine an easy fit ? What about running gear, is it all Mercury ?
26 May 2020, 14:24

Thanks Nigel! I have to take a look underneath. The engine was easy, only the airintake had to thin out with the grill.
26 May 2020, 14:59

I still.and always liked the wide fenders. That itself looks bad ass. The overall crazy crappy look makes it perfect
26 May 2020, 20:35
Album info
Now, .... i bought that (terrible) old kit as i liked the boxart. Really coooool old stuff.
I didn't had liked the wheels (way too small), the engine (ditto) and my thought, that must go better. At the same time i built a Revell AMG GT and there the engine compartment sucks. There is more plastic than engine to see, so i decided, to swap the engine.
"All is possible" - in our plasticworld. It worked!
The wheels came from a Tamiya Supra (the best one with that murderwing).
Forthe finish, i weathered the body and dusted the interieur.