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Stefan Fraundorfer (Ostarrichi)

"Rosie the Rocketer" - Diorama


7 6 June 2020, 09:19
Soeren R.
Fantastic work!
 6 June 2020, 09:30
Stefan Fraundorfer Author
Hello mates, I finally finished the diorama "Rosie the Rocketer". You can read the story of this scene here (in German language):
 6 June 2020, 09:30
beautiful dio!
 6 June 2020, 10:10
Alex K
Lovely! 👍
 6 June 2020, 16:18
Christian Lehmann
Sieht gut aus ! 👍
 6 June 2020, 16:28
Christian hat recht!
 6 June 2020, 16:45
Juergen Klinglhuber
Tolles Diorama !
 6 June 2020, 18:06
Rui S
Nice work 👍
 6 June 2020, 21:47
Stefan Fraundorfer Author
Thank you for your praise gentlemen, I am very happy about it.
 7 June 2020, 06:58

Project info

52 images
1:35 Piper Cub L-4H (Bronco CB35018)1:35 Tractor CASE VAI (Thunder Model 35001)1:32 WWII American Fighter Pilot Francis Gabreski (Ultracast 54008)9+
Piper L-4H Grasshopper
US US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
4 Arm. Div. 43-30426
June 1944 World War 2 - Normandy FR
Olive Drab

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