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Panzer IV - First Go at Desert Camo

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3 18 June 2020, 15:35
David Taylor
looks like you have been doing it for years.
 18 June 2020, 16:36
IIBSWAT . Author
Thanks David, Finished this one towards the end of January. Always wanted to take up tank modelling again, did it as child and thought I'd try again after a break of around 35 years! Only built 9 models since starting again so almost everything is a 'first' atm.
 18 June 2020, 16:46
Compliments !
 18 June 2020, 17:45
Oscar Benavent
Hi David, Good Job. Compliments. I like it. Actually what colors were fire extinguishers? I always have this doubt painting panzers.
 18 June 2020, 18:55
Wow, I don't know much about armour but this look great to me. 🙂
 18 June 2020, 18:57
David Taylor
Oscar,usually the same colour as the tank.Usually have yellow instructions for use on them.
 18 June 2020, 20:42
IIBSWAT . Author
Oscar you know my name is George 🙂? Or you might have been saying hello to David? Anyway, as David said mostly the same colour as the tank so usually grey or dunkel gelb but I have seen a late war turquoise one...will need to use that at some point!
 18 June 2020, 21:21
IIBSWAT . Author
Thanks for your comments Skywalker and Olivier, much appreciated!
 18 June 2020, 21:23
Oscar Benavent
Hi George, Sorry for my mistake, But hello all people by the way. I'm newie here
 19 June 2020, 07:18
IIBSWAT . Author
No problem Oscar 🙂 , thanks for your kind comments and mates request
 19 June 2020, 08:35
Rui S
Very nice desert Pz IV. well done. 👍
Just,.. if I may... IMHO the exaust looks a bit to redwish 🤔
I think it could be mixed with a darker pigment)???
 10 July 2020, 15:39
James C
Awesome 👍
 10 July 2020, 18:55
Ricardo Reis
Maybe a little too heavy on the chipping, but I think it looks great! 👍
 10 July 2020, 19:23
Shawn Carrigan
Nice! Looks great to me. (Yeah, I agree the exhaust pipe is too red)
 10 July 2020, 21:07
IIBSWAT . Author
Thanks for your nice comments Rui, James Ricardo and Shawn, much appreciated 🙂
Shawn and Rui, totally agree on the exhaust, I think it looks more like salami than rusty heated metal 🙂
Ricardo the chipping and wearing is underplayed my me as the actual vehicle was a total wreck (captured, with a big K9 slopped in white paint on it), I went for a point in time immediatly preceding capture. Good, easy to come by ref is pg 17 of Pz IV by David Doyle.
 13 July 2020, 11:55

Album info

Tamiya Panzer IV
Artistic licence taken with the fire extinguisher colour
Painted with rattle cans and brush

7 images
1:35 Panzer Kampfwagen IV Ausf.D (Tamiya MM096)

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