Tamiya A6M5c Zero Fighter
9 25 October 2020, 20:45

I have used Tamiya, XF-11 & added a few drip of XF-71 for the highlight on the panels.
1 November 2020, 19:10

Thanks Clifford. Unfortunately the clear coat made the whole model a lot darker & I lost most of my panel highlights. At least the pre-shading still shows trough a bit.
2 November 2020, 13:57

I wonder why sometimes the clear coats do that. I guess it has to do with the colors themselves. It seems to do it the worst on darker colors. My Mustang did the same thing, it's olive drab.
2 November 2020, 14:53

In my case I had applied a very thin layer of J.N. green so I could still see the preshading. Maybe a thicker coat of paint would have reacted less. The result is not that bad, but I'll take this into account and add more highligths, the next time I build a Japanesse navy airplane. I have a nice Tamiya J1N1 waiting in the stash 🙂
3 November 2020, 14:39

It still turned out nice. I even took mine out when you started yours, but then got hung up with the 109's and the F-89, so stuck it back in the stash.
19 December 2020, 01:50