P.S. Great Western
Photo 1 of 15
9 24 April 2021, 17:33

Looking good! I saw the movie "Master and commander" a long time ago and cannot remember: Is this ship in the movie?
12 June 2021, 09:13

Brothers and sisters of the sprue, I present for your consideration the Paddle Ship Great Western by Airfix, 1:180 scale. When I was a little guy some 50 years ago, my dad built this for me. I'm pretty sure that I was no help whatsoever. I do recall that the plastic was black rather than brown as in this edition, and that it got a minimal paint job.
I'm quite pleased with how the slightly-tarnished copper plating on the hull turned out. I opted not to use the vacform sails that are provided with the kit. Im my experience they quickly become brittle and fall apart.
13 June 2021, 18:47