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Jonathan (tourdeairfix)

Pegasus Bridge Diorama


56 29 May 2021, 15:50
Łukasz Gliński
Interesting set 👍
 29 May 2021, 19:59
Jonathan Author
For those loving a diorama I don't think you can get much better than these Italeri kits and this Pegasus Bridge example is amazing. Will share more soon ?
 30 May 2021, 04:48
Jay Dubya
Pulling up a seat, with plenty of popcorn. Great start JRB!
 1 June 2021, 22:31
Mario Thomas
Very nice, Looking forward for my own Set.BTW where is the Picture of the Project from ?
 1 June 2021, 23:16
John Thomas
Very cool
 2 June 2021, 01:05
Jonathan Author
Thanks guys! Jay, glad you mentioned popcorn... this is inspired by one of my favourite films, "The Longest Day", and you can expect to see many themes from this movie unfold between now and the 6th June! Mario, the Picture of the Project is my diorama, or at least how it was looking last week. Thanks John, I hope the finished project lives up to expectation.
 2 June 2021, 02:26
Jay Dubya
Happy to share the popcorn, albeit in a COVID safe way!
The story of the Ox&Bucks' attack is absolutely ready to be retold. Perhaps they should make a movie of it, using the Stephen Ambrose book as the base of the script?
 2 June 2021, 08:15
Mario Thomas
Can we have a Picture of the complete Diorama.
 2 June 2021, 15:38
Jonathan Author
Mario, definitely .. I'm finalising everything for a 6th June unveiling ?
 2 June 2021, 16:43
Dave Flitton
 2 June 2021, 21:13
Guy Rump
Very impressive, looking forward to the final reveal 👍
 6 June 2021, 08:14
Marco Gallmann
Your, Diorama is amazing! Wow 👍 I started the Glider kit some years ago, but the project is still on hold. The Pegasus bridge kit is the ultimate addition to the Glider kit. Maybe I will take the Glider project back to the workbench...
 6 June 2021, 09:37
Jonathan Author
Marco, I recommend it wholeheartedly! I quite underestimated the space required thinking I'd be able to use some of my base board for something else, hence the shorter than planned canal. Am however pleased with the results, though if I hadn't been constrained by my self imposed completion date, I could probably continue for a couple more months! ?
 6 June 2021, 14:14
Jonathan Author
Guy .. that's all folks! ?
Here's the video if you really want more ?
Youtube Video
 6 June 2021, 14:15
Guy Rump
Great film, great models and great dio 👍
 6 June 2021, 16:01
Roger Buzbee
Can I ask what colors you used to paint the bridge? I am currently working on this kit and could use some help. I really appreciate it!
 27 May 2022, 15:04
Jonathan Author
Roger, that's an interesting question as it seems a long time ago now. I need to have a look at what paints I had at the time. The grey superstructure would have definitely been Vallejo's grey primer as I needed something strong to cope with the absorbent wood. I remember building up a couple of colours on the roadway until I was happy with the look but I'd now need to have a closer look at the bridge to remember what I used 😆🤦‍♂️
 28 May 2022, 06:26
Impressive diorama! 👍
 28 May 2022, 08:52
Simon Nagorsnik
Really nice dio!
Looks like a lot of work but you`ve done a really good job with all that stuff- impressive!
 28 May 2022, 09:02
Villiers de Vos
A real head turner.
 28 May 2022, 19:04
Rui S
Great work 👍
 28 May 2022, 21:40
Paul Reddmeister
This is superb - I came here thanks to rabbithole from the Italeri Horsa glider. I also model OO and HO railways so this could fit in as a very nice dio on the layout...Cheers
 26 June 2024, 07:18
Jonathan Author
Paul. That would be a nice project to see 👍
 26 June 2024, 16:58
Great build and dio! Congrats👍🏻
 26 June 2024, 17:48
Jonathan Author
@J35J many thanks!

Sadly after a couple of years sitting out on the table on which it was built (I had never intended at the time to ever move it) time had not been kind to it and so a few months back I safely stored the troops and vehicles for another day and have the bridge with water and the cafe in separate storage boxes awaiting inspiration for another scene.

Fortunately I have the photos and my little video to remember it by 😊
 27 June 2024, 08:12
Paul Reddmeister
How did you make the water ie was it glass or ?
 27 June 2024, 10:17
Jonathan Author
@Paul, I used Woodland Scenics Realistic Water .. I believe it took 2 bottles of it. I eventually bought 3 as the initial layer split in drying as I think it was too cold, I then read that it needs to be 20 degrees to get a good finish. I poured it onto a pre painted base, and then added a bit of colour to the last layer as it didn't quite look right. So it was built up in layers.
 27 June 2024, 13:41
Paul Reddmeister
Ah good to know - thanks. I know WS stuff isnt cheap from my MR exploits but the quality is good (I have used their riser systems to get to viaducts levels). Will look into it...thanks
 28 June 2024, 06:56
Wow impressive dio, nicely built and composed! What size is the dio? Supposed to be huge even in 72
 28 June 2024, 09:02
Jonathan Author
It was a large one! Unfortunately I had to dismantle it as there was no way to get it out of the loft and I'd stuck it too well to the base board / table to even cut it into pieces!
 11 July 2024, 12:00
Gary Victory
Really nice work Jonathan. Love the details in your dio. Top job Sir.
 11 July 2024, 12:23

Album info

Inspired by the film "The Longest Day" and the real events of 6th June 1944

46 images
1:72 Pegasus Bridge - Airborne Assault (Italeri 6194)1:72 AS.51 Horsa Mk.I with British Paratroops (Italeri 1356)1:72 German Motorcycles (Italeri 6121)8+
Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. B King Tiger (Porsche)
3R Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945)
s.Pz.Abt. 503 Black 113
July 1944 World War 2»Battle of Normandy - Caen FR
RAL7028 Dark Yellow RAL6003 Olive Green RAL8017 Red Brown

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