23 28 June 2021, 19:58

Thanks Bruce 🙂 (It looks nice in a model scale, but in reality...please, just take a look at the description of the construction and qualities of "Velorex" somewhere in the Internet...)
29 June 2021, 12:39

Nice job Robert 👍. I remember these "Hadraplans" on streets in Czechoslovakia.
29 June 2021, 12:42

Thanks, David 🙂 I remember them from Poland, too...but they were quite rarely seen, so as a kid I was sooo impressed with its constructors ingenuity. Later I found that this ingenunity was from necessity rather than anything else. (Eastern German MZ three-wheelers for disabled people were more common here in Poland)
29 June 2021, 12:47

You are right Robert, in Czechoslovakia they were rather common, but as a child I could not believe it is a car. There were meny jokes about them f.e. "You nee a special jack in case you park on a bubble gum to free it". And it even played in a very popular film "Vrchní prchni" and there was a scene in a film when a Velorex stroke another car and its owner said "Don't be afraid it cannot scrap anything, it just polishes".
29 June 2021, 13:01

Cool! 😄 Yes, these jokes on Eastern European cars are legendary, and some of them described reality, like in case of Polish Fiat 126p ("Maluch") where it was common to have a piece of broomhandle in case that ignition cable broke...or carrying concrete slabs in Skoda's 105 front to keep it steerable...
29 June 2021, 13:09

The concrete slab or sand bag we also used in Western Europe cars like Renault Dauphine or Renault 8 or 10.
29 June 2021, 13:40

Skoda 105 was my first car :-D. Yes I've used sand bags, but what the fun in winter 😉. But I don't want to turn the discussion from your nice model and perfect work.
29 June 2021, 15:50

Ah but the full sized 'car' looks like a neat 'model' too, Robert 😉
29 June 2021, 16:28

Thank you, David, once again. You are too kind to me. Thanks Dave. Thanks Bruce.
29 June 2021, 17:27

I see, you build one yourself. 🙂
The photoetch wheels really add to it. Nice result.
15 December 2023, 20:31

Thanks Michael. Actually, this is a photoetch glued onto transparent wheel rims provided with the original kit.
15 December 2023, 21:01

Ah, ok. I found the transparent pieces of the kit a good idea but did not have any clue why a set of the wheels were flat. Now it makes sense. I stumbled across the printed ASK wheels and they are really gems.
15 December 2023, 21:05

Good to know - I have still another unbuild Velorex in my stash, together with Brengun's photoetch and resin set. Perhaps I should purchase these wheels as well 😉
16 December 2023, 09:49

Yep Robert, you should get these ASK wheels. They are really lovely.
16 December 2023, 18:17

Thank you for your kind words Jv and Gorby.
@Gorby - Michael is assembling the same kit now - you may ask him to take a photo with a matchstick 😉 Or take a peek into Zsolt Czegle's album...
@Michael - I have ordered them already 😉
16 December 2023, 19:04
Album info
I remember these curiosities from my youth, and I was so fascinated with that construction then...