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Juergen Klinglhuber (jott)

"DONE" Grunau 9 Glider - "Nürnberger Ei"


27 11 July 2021, 18:56
Robert Podkoński
Watching this one as well 😉
 11 July 2021, 19:05
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
Hi Robert - same story with this one as with the Sg38. Not many parts but still a tricky job. This one as a "Cockpit cabin" where I played alot (hours 🙂) with the wood effect... I hope it was worth it at the end...let's see.
thx for you interest.
 11 July 2021, 19:13
Robert Podkoński
Looks perfect, Juergen, absolutely. Rigging is exactly what I find beyond my patience (if not my skills) for the moment - but in case of these gliders rigging adds the final interest. Keep up good work, surely it is worth the effort 🙂
 11 July 2021, 19:19
Alex K
Taking a seat...
 11 July 2021, 20:06
 12 July 2021, 20:33
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
Welcome Alex and Skywalker. Here is a little up-date. Wires for the aileron movement are installed. I made some progress on the "cabin" too.
 18 July 2021, 20:35
Robert Podkoński
Who would say that there is so much to do with a simple glider's model...;) I am impressed with your work already.
 8 August 2021, 17:25
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
Thx Robert - some updates I put into the album today.....
 12 August 2021, 08:35
What are you using for rigging?
 12 August 2021, 19:43
Really great
 12 August 2021, 19:45
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
@Skywalker - I use viscoelastic yarn (product: Rig that Thing - shop: Uschi van der Rosten).
 12 August 2021, 20:24
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
thx Scott.
 12 August 2021, 20:25
Alex K
Some nice work going on here - I very much like what I see... 👍
 12 August 2021, 23:23
Alex Rodionov
Nice work. ?
 13 August 2021, 03:38
Thomas Espe
Great work!
 13 August 2021, 05:48
Mark K
 13 August 2021, 07:38
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
Thx Alex K & Alex R. thx Thomas & Mark
I am glad you like it.
 15 August 2021, 20:45
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
The "Cockpit" of the Nürnberger Ei is mounted,....
 29 August 2021, 20:43
Stefan Schacht
well done
 29 August 2021, 20:44
Alex K
indeed! 👍
 29 August 2021, 21:08
Paweł W.
 30 August 2021, 08:19
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
A little progress,...
 2 October 2021, 11:16
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
Thx Major Flannel.
The Grunau 9 Glider in the "egg" config is finshed now. DONE with this project....the Glider 38 is close to be finsihed too. Thx for watching and your interesed.
 9 October 2021, 09:58
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic work, Juergen - I am sure we all are waiting for more photos here 😉
 9 October 2021, 12:24
Guy Rump
Very impressive build 👍
 9 October 2021, 13:09
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
Thx Robert & Guy.
I have added some more pictures.
 10 October 2021, 19:06
Simon Nagorsnik
I've got some impressive building skills mate!
 10 October 2021, 19:12
Alex K
Fantastic work on both your primary gliders - respects! 👍 👍
 10 October 2021, 19:26
Daniel Klink
Absolutely stunning result Jürgen!!! Congratulations 👍
 10 October 2021, 19:39
Ben M
The paint technique to show the structure inside is fantastic.
 10 October 2021, 20:04
Looks great! Well done! 😎 👍
 11 October 2021, 14:16
Juergen Klinglhuber Author
@all - many thanks for your kind comments!
 11 October 2021, 17:30

Project info

38 images
1:72 Grunau 9 + SG 38 (Huma Modell )
Grunau 9 Ei
3R Wehrmacht Luftwaffe (German Air Force 1935-1945)
Nbg 13-239
1935 - Nürnberg

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