Ben Schumacher AuthorThank you guys! Here comes another update...
18 January 2022, 08:05
Spanjaardwow. simply superb.
18 January 2022, 08:21
Alec KA pro at work. Amazing and inspirational 👍
18 January 2022, 14:37
AugieOh wow, that puts mine to shame!
18 January 2022, 16:10
18 January 2022, 20:52
Bernhard SchrockTop work as usual! What's happens on pics 47-49?
7 April 2022, 05:44
Ben Schumacher AuthorThank you all! Bernhard, on those pics, I ripped off a bit of paint when removing the mask. I then sanded the surface, repainted the grey and repainted the "Bandits" logo.
12 April 2022, 07:48