Dominik Weitzerlooks like you are on the finish line. looks good!
7 June 2022, 11:14
JvImpressive clean job
Love the colours
Thanks for sharing build pics
7 June 2022, 11:38
Mike Hulka AuthorThank you very much! Yeah its close to finish 🙂
8 June 2022, 18:30
SpanjaardClassic beauty, looking great
8 June 2022, 21:38
Rui SBeautiful 👍
10 June 2022, 21:09
Mike Hulka AuthorThank you all, I'm glad you like it !
13 June 2022, 14:22
Kyle DeHartThis is simply gorgeous as well
13 June 2022, 21:49
Christian WDamn, this is a great color on the car! Very very nice!
14 June 2022, 05:04
NeulingToller Schlitten! Very well done!
14 June 2022, 08:32