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Artur Z. (ArturZ)

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 bis - Trumpeter 1:48


38 2 January 2023, 13:24
Very nice metal finish!
 2 January 2023, 14:58
Jan Peters
Very nice indeed, great weathering too
 2 January 2023, 15:00
Artur Z. Author
Thank you FOG and Jan. It's old model but still not bad. I made him almost 5 years ago 🙂. I used here simply tamiya acrylics paints but effect is better than I expected before painting. I have one more little Mig 15 in my stash but from different manufacturer but it's still the melody of the future 🙂. I appreciate your interesting.
 2 January 2023, 15:10
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 2 January 2023, 17:15
Rui S
Great work 👍
 2 January 2023, 22:24
alessandro magrelli
 2 January 2023, 22:39
Artur Z. Author
Thank you Rui and Alessandro!
 3 January 2023, 09:07
Very well done!
 3 January 2023, 11:09
Simon Nagorsnik
Great metal finish!
 3 January 2023, 11:15
Arif Saeed
Very nice 👏👏
 3 January 2023, 11:41
Artur Z. Author
Thank you all!
 3 January 2023, 12:50

Album info

My old project with new gallery

9 images
1:48 MiG-15 bis Fagot-B (Trumpeter 02806)1:48 MiG-15 Fagot (Eduard FE232)
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis Fagot-B
KP 조선인민군 항공 및 반항공군 (Korean People's Army Air and Anti-Air Force 1946-now)
Korean War

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