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Andy Ball (Lerxst)

P-51D Mustang makeover


38 22 February 2023, 08:49
Живко Джаков
I get scared when I hear, "What if" from people like you. You do unique things and I dare not guess how far you would go even with an old model.
 22 February 2023, 11:50
Andy Ball Author
I'll try not to spook anyone on here Zhivko! I have tried to tighten up the old build a little and hope to have a revamp-refresh soon. It's poignant really, I remember building this just before my first child was born and he's now 27!
 22 February 2023, 18:06
Andy Ball Author
Thanks as always Marc! And Doug too
 22 February 2023, 18:20
Andy Ball Author
Cheers Carlos and Villiers!
 23 February 2023, 14:52
Andy Ball Author
And Juergen!
 25 February 2023, 13:26
Andy Ball Author
Grazie Pietro
 25 February 2023, 15:59
Andy Ball Author
Cheers Eddie
 25 February 2023, 17:58
Guy Rump
Watching this. 👍
 19 March 2023, 08:24
Andy Ball Author
Good to see you Guy, just got the AK Xtreme black base Saturday to try the whole NMF process again…😞
 19 March 2023, 08:47
Shar Dipree
 19 March 2023, 08:51
Andy Ball Author
Thanks Shar- a bit of a retro "try again" - a warm up on the metallics before the other P-51 and P-47
@Rui and others: thanks!
 20 March 2023, 14:51
Andy Ball Author
Calling it 95% complete- have ordered the remaining stencils that I don't want to take from the Tamiya kit.
@Franck- thanks!
Thanks Josef and the others for the look-in on this small side diversion
 22 March 2023, 21:35
Живко Джаков
There are two important things about models. We should have fun while building and we should like the end result. If others like them, that's a bonus. I personally like the model. My Mustang didn't turn out so well, but now we're talking about yours. Tell us about the weathering, how exactly did you achieve it?
 23 March 2023, 06:26
Andy Ball Author
Zhivko, thanks for the comment, and you've hit the nail on the head regarding the enjoyment of the hobby. Looking through your prolific work I can't imagine that your P-51 would have been so problematic? I will have a look at your builds when next I come to a subject we've both tackled in 72nd. Weathering: I'm beginning to understand how to use Tamiya's X-19 smoke to add some contrast. I used a little oils courtesy of Abteilung (umber & smoke), plus Windsor & Newton burnt umber. Not too much on this one as I'm trying a light touch to weathering.
@Marius- thanks
 23 March 2023, 16:02
Bernd Grün
Nice Mustang! congrats, Andy. 👍
 24 March 2023, 07:31
Andy Ball Author
Ah, cheers @Bernd. A little practice for later.....
 28 March 2023, 10:36
Guy Rump
Very nice recovery job Andy. 👍
 28 March 2023, 14:15
Andy Ball Author
Cheers Guy. It's a good exercise to do once in a while!?
 28 March 2023, 15:03
Andy Ball Author
Cuajete, thanks mate!
 28 March 2023, 21:17
Andy Ball Author
Thanks Mark K too!
 29 March 2023, 14:17
Andy Ball Author
Sukhoi242: appreciate the visit...just the decals (which have now arrived) and we're done done done.
 30 March 2023, 14:51
Andy Ball Author
appreciate all the likes, and @Sean - thanks too
 3 April 2023, 08:15
Andy Ball Author
Thanks Ferenc and Uhrin!
 3 April 2023, 19:56
Andy Ball Author
and Jeff....and the others!!
 4 April 2023, 11:02
Andy Ball Author
thank-you Palo G, and LucLuke
 4 April 2023, 18:29
Andy Ball Author
Mona, thanks for looking it over
 4 April 2023, 21:45
Andy Ball Author
@Marcelo, @Simon and others, thanks for popping by
 5 April 2023, 08:48

Album info

A model I built in the mid-90s.
What started as replacing a prop blade has now become a "what if we repaint and decal it while we're at it"?
I won't use the Quick Boost prop, I will transfuse the prop from my Tamiya P-51D and their "Petie 2nd" scheme to replace what I'll lose here.

32 images
1:72 Mustang P-51D (Hasegawa A12)1:72 P-51 Mustang (Foxbot FD72-046)
North American P-51D Mustang
US US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
487 FS, 352 FW 414151/HO- (Lt.Col. John C. Mayer)
NMFBlue nose, Dolly Petie2nd

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