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Jørgen Kj (CrazyCatman)

Albums (17)

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37 images
Just like a waving flagView album, image #37
Just like a waving flag!
Project: DYNAMITE 6-1
1:48 J35/S35E/RF-35 Draken `Scandinavian Draken´ (Hasegawa 07482)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)No Flush Cutter (Model Craft PPL6704)7+
3 images
[WIP] One Big Danish CatView album, image #3
1:35 Leopard 2 A5DK (HobbyBoss 82405)No Spray-Work Painting Stand Set (Tamiya 74522)
23 images
CrazyCatman's MiG-21 Group Build of '21View album, image #23
Almost a complete model; going to leave it as it is until I have figured out of it should have any weaponry fitted. Then...
1:72 MiG 21MF (KP 19)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)No Flush Cutter (Model Craft PPL6704)4+
12 images
[WIP] LaGG-3 by Alfa: Old Soviet kit - and new skillsView album, image #12
Decals are on - apart from two missing items (thrown out by accident) and clear coat this is pretty much completed...
1:72 LaGG-3 (Alfa )No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)No Craft Knife (Tamiya 74013)6+
1 images
Just like a waving flag - Part 2View album, image #1
Ready set - GO!
Project: Dannebrog 800
1:72 F-16 Fighting Falcon (Tamiya 60701)No Flush Cutter (Model Craft PPL6704)
9 images
My 1925 Avia B-21 buildView album, image #9
1:72 Avia B.21 (KP 17)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement Quick-Setting (Tamiya 87182)No Craft Knife (Tamiya 74013)4+
14 images
Vintage Soviet I-16View album, image #14
1:72 Polikarpov I.16 (Revell (Great Britain) H-635)No Evoco Brush Pack (Humbrol AG4150)No DecalFix (Humbrol AC6134)4+

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28 images
Builds not really connected to a projectView album, image #28