ProjectsGroup by: Topic Status Finished Started A » ZResults found: 15 A-36 Apache oob8 images1:48CompletedB-17G Flying Fortress w american beauty decals1:48IdeasDH-82 Tiger moth6 images1:72CompletedGladiator1:48CompletedJunkers Ju 87 D Stuka1:48CompletedNakajima B5N2 Type 97 Carrier Attack Bomber (Kate)7 images1:48CompletedP-38J w ultra cast seat & JT Robbins decals8 images1:48CompletedP-51A conversion to Mustang mk1 w RCAF 400 decals1:48IdeasP-51A son to build oob1:48CompletedP-51A with air commando decals8 images1:48CompletedP-51D Mustang1:48In progressP-51D_oob by zeke5 images1:48CompletedRMS Titanic need to finish1:570IdeasStearman PT-17 scratching and modifying9 images1:48CompletedScratchbuiltZero dual build12 images1:48CompletedScratchbuilt/search.php?q=*&fkMATEID[]=103687&showast=no&fkWORKBENCH[]=WB103687&page=projects&sortby=title