Albums (11)Show all project albums Browse projectsLatest project albums14 imagesSuisei1:48Project: Space Rengo Kantai Shipborne Bomber Suisei46 imagesF-14A Fujimi1:72In my opinion, this is the most beautiful plane!Project: F-14A Tomcat (VF-154 / CVW-5) на авиабазе Ацуги94 imagesBuccaneer&Salamander1:72ФиналProject: Buccaneer & Salamander1+14 imagesThe Messiah in metal1:72Project: Messiah11 imagesRaven - EF-111A1:72Project: Electric Fox1+65 imagesCVA 41 в ноябре 19651:72Унитаз под крылом штурмовикаProject: Toilet bowl under the wing of a stormtrooper2+23 imagesFantasies on the theme of Sinden II1:72Project: ASF-X Shinden IIShow all project albums Browse projects Other albums8 imagesMyAlbumF-15C Eagle 'Oregon ANG 75th ANNIVERSARY'