Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck Mk.5 RCAF 410 Sqn
Hobbycraft + MatNic decals
- Scale:
- 1:72
- Status:
- Ideas
Add the Obscureco cockpit & other pieces to the Hobbycraft kit and use MatNic decals for a CF-100 Mk.5 of 410 Cougar Squadron.
Project inventory
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Part of my Collection
3 12 January 2021, 20:11

So you have the T-33 mask on all of of your Canuck projects, does it fit the Canuck? Because that would be great for my project, maybe Im missing some trivia that the CF-100 used the same canopy.
27 October 2021, 17:43

Matt, No, you are not missing anything. As there is no CF-100 mask, I just picked the closest thing I could find and figured on adjusting accordingly. I have not built one yet witht he masks, but have a built CF-100 I am anxious to repaint and decal, so maybe in a few months I will have your answer. Stay tuned. I willl create a rebuild album with photos, particulalrly the canopy mask. Thanks for the interest. Kind regards, Dutxh
27 October 2021, 19:42

Awesome. Maybe by then the guy at Flight Line will have restarted his 3D printing for the Canuck parts. Otherwise Ill order the Obscureco stuff. I have to order some F-100C stuff anyway
27 October 2021, 22:43

I ordered two Flightline sets (I only needed two for Mk.5C/D conversions of Mk.4s) and the rest from Obscureco. I will do a comparison of the two when the time comes.
27 October 2021, 23:09