scale modeling database | stash manager
David Guzman (Arthas)

Albums (14)

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8 images
Sukhoi SU-35S Flanker EView album, image #1
1:72 Su-35S Flanker (Hasegawa 01574)1:72 Cockpit for Su-35S (DreamModel CDM 72004)1:72 Exhaust Nozzles for AL-41F1C on Su-35 (Tempmodels 72358)1+
8 images
Sukhoi SU-27 SM Flanker BView album, image #1
1:72 Su-27SM (Zvezda 7295)1:72 Su-27SM Interior 3D decal (Quinta Studio QD72011)1:72 Su-27/ Su-33 exhaust nozzles (ResKit RSU72-0040)2+
40 images
Zvezda Sukhoi SU-25 FrogfootView album, image #1
1:72 Su-25 Frogfoot (Zvezda 7227)
38 images
Hasegawa Sukhoi SU-33View album, image #1
1:72 Su-33 Flanker D (Hasegawa 01565)1:72 Su-33 Flanker-D - Correct Nose (Quickboost QB 72 333)1:72 Su-33 exhaust nozzles (ResKit RSU72-0020)1+
69 images
Zvezda Sukhoi SU-30 SMView album, image #1
1:72 Su-30SM "Flanker-C" (Zvezda 7314)1:72 Su-30SM interior 3D decals (Quinta Studio QD72012)1:72 Su-30SM parking position exhaust nozzles (ResKit RSU72-0046)
4 images
Monogram Hawker TyphoonView album, image #1
During my medical license, I started with this plane that my dad had spent on his stash. Durante mi licencia médica, co...
1:48 Hawker Typhoon (Monogram 5221)
17 images
Sukhoi Su-30 KNView album, image #12
1:72 Sukhoi Su-30KN (Zvezda 7243)

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